0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 4, 2006 1:14 PM by alfredkwan



      When my portlet does something by clicking on an action URL ( renderResponse.createActionURL), I set some attributes in the performAction method (i.e. actionRequest.setAttribute("current_state", stateABC))

      I intend to have the doView retrieves this state and then select an appropriate JSP to dispatch to.

      BUT, in doView(), the renderRequest.getAttribute("current_state") is null....
      Is it the expected behaviour? Why is it so?

      I want the state to last for just the request scope, so, when the goes to another page and then back again, my portlet will display a default state.... How can I achieve so?? (Because i found the actionResponse.setRenderParameter() will last for not just the request scope... but until I have another render URL / action URL clicked).

      Thanks in advance!!