0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 25, 2006 2:00 AM by cjspring

    the error caused by Asian font when maximize


      I'm come from china.

      jboss portal 2.2 sp3, ms sqlserver 2000.

      I have define a new portal instance, if i set
      <portal-name>HelloPortal</portal-name> , which are all work well.
      but if set Asian font parameter to portal-name,when i click maximized/minimized button, it causes a exception:
      ERROR [CoreController] Object not found
      org.jboss.portal.core.ObjectNotFoundException: Not allowed to access resourcecyportal.é??é??.weatherportletWindow
      at org.jboss.portal.core.command.WindowCommand.create(WindowCommand.java:110)......

      i saw the source from IE, i found such content:
      <div class="portlet-mode-minimized" onClick="location.href='/portal/auth/index.html?ctrl:cmd=nav&ctrl:windowstate=minimized&ctrl:window=cyportal.%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5.testportletWindow';">

      from table JBP_OBJECT_NODE, if i change PATH value "cyportal.??.weatherportletWindow" to "cyportal.index.weatherportletWindow", maximized/minimized work well.

      i don't know what function of PATH column.
      how to resolve the maximized/minimized error of portal name is Asian font .