0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 27, 2006 10:58 PM by wendy8

    Problems about Injecting Services in the portlet context


      Hi all,

      I read the Jportal 2.4.0 refereence guide and know in the jboss-portlet.xml ,we can Inject Services in the portlet context. so I do the same thing like the reference .But I do it in Portal 2.2.0, I don't think there is any diference.




      then in my portlet i Write:

      UserModule userModule = (UserModule) getPortletContext().getAttribute("UserModule");
      String userId = request.getParameters().getParameter("userid");
      User user = userModule.findUserById(userId);

      but when I test, firstly, I login then I found userModule is null , and also user is null. so anyone can help me solve this problem? I want get the user object in the context. Thanks. !