7 Replies Latest reply on Oct 3, 2006 11:39 AM by roy.russo

    URL linking one cms html page to another cmls html page chan


      I have created a new portal and dont use the default portal.
      So to get to my portal I use the url http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8080/portal/portal/rapidtrade

      I then have updloaded html pages to CMS that have URL links to other HTML pages in the same folder in CMS.

      I then include the display the html page through the CMS portlet. So if I then go to http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8080/portal/portal/rapidtrade/Demos, it shows me the HTML page from CMS in a portlet window.

      BUT, now when I click on a hyperlink and want it simply to come up in the same portlet window, it seems to go back to the default portal and default theme. It does show me the new htmlpage from CMS, but the theme etc. is all wrong.

      The url that is displayed when I hover my cursor over the URL in the html page is http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8080/portal/content/demos/PocketPC/Installing/1.viaInternet.htm.

      Does anyone know why the theme changes?


        • 1. Re: URL linking one cms html page to another cmls html page

          I have a similar problem - simply trying to link from one HTML page to another, within the same folder in CMS. The system cannot seem to find the file - one would think that the links should be done the same as the SRC attribute in IMG tags, but that does not seem to be the case.

          Please - what's the proper path??

          - Paul
          GUI Designer
          Sterling Testing Systems

          • 2. Re: URL linking one cms html page to another cmls html page

            Use absolute paths:


            • 3. Re: URL linking one cms html page to another cmls html page


              Mine does actually link. So I created a folder called demos and then a few sub folders in CMS admin.
              Then on the html page the URL is as follows: demos/Desktop/Installing/1.Install.htm

              So clicking on it works, but the theme then changes to the default theme and does not keep the theme of the portal I am in.

              Very frustrating....

              • 4. Re: URL linking one cms html page to another cmls html page

                Shaun -

                Is your new HTML page a full page, or a fragment? It seems to me that the CMS portlet expects only a fragment that is set to fit inside the "portlet-content" DIV. Perhaps there's other code in your file that is calling on the default theme.

                I know that I have only had success in getting well-styled pages by importing my file, and making sure that it only uses styles marked with "font class='portlet-xxxxxx'" right out of the theme's CSS sheet.

                ANYWAY - I still can't get my link to work. The portlet is on a page other than the default page, and the HTML page that the portlet is set to start with is in a directory parallel to "default" in the CMS. (CMS has "default", "clientconfig" and "drug". The portlet in question looks first at "drug/index.html". I have a link in it that is supposed to go to "drug/clientlist.html". The portlet can't find it. The directions in the CMS Admin portlet say "Links to resources within this portal should be absolute. For example: A link to an image located in default/images/back.gif should be typed in exactly as shown here. Do not prefix a slash (/) to the path of the resource."

                This advice works for images, but not for URL links.

                If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it.

                - Paul

                • 5. Re: URL linking one cms html page to another cmls html page

                  Make sure the file you created exists for the locale your browser it set to.

                  Also, per shaun, there is a known limitation with the cmsportlet, that it ONLY renders in the default page. So if you have this portlet on another Portal Page, and click a link, it will bounce you back to the default portal page.

                  Maybe its the same problem for paul?

                  • 6. Re: URL linking one cms html page to another cmls html page

                    Roy wrote:

                    "Make sure the file you created exists for the locale your browser it set to."

                    Not sure what that means. The file has been uploaded into the CMS system.

                    He also wrote:

                    "... there is a known limitation with the cmsportlet, that it ONLY renders in the default page. So if you have this portlet on another Portal Page, and click a link, it will bounce you back to the default portal page. "

                    Well, I DO get the intial page in this instance rendering on a different page (I've actually created 3 separate instances of the CMS portlet, and each is on a different page.)

                    Anyway, I changed the DrugDept page to be the default page for the Portal, and the link from index.html to clientlist.html still doesn't work.

                    - P.

                    • 7. Re: URL linking one cms html page to another cmls html page

                      When you upload a file, you specify a locale. Make sure its english for you... Im guessing.

                      Can you check the log and paste any erros you see, here. Typically when something is not found, there is *something* in the log to that effect.