2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 23, 2007 11:39 AM by cpage




      When I deploy my application on JBoss Portal Server 2.4 (happens on 2.6DR1 as well) I get an error (details below) and my AJAX4JSF stuff doesn't work. However when I deploy it on regular JBoss AS (4.0.4 SP1) it works just fine.
      Apparently Portal Server has a problem with the AJX4JSF filter and <listener-class> tag which *is* in the web.xml even though I see this in the log files:

      2007-01-08 14:55:41,000 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].[localhost].[/web]] Exception starting filter ajax4jsf
      java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Factories configured for this Application - typically this is because a context listener is not setup in your web.xml.
      A typical config looks like this;


      A quick googling seems to indicate this is a JBoss Portal Server bug. Is this true? If so, are there any workarounds short of not using AJAx4JSF? Any time frame for this to be fixed? Maybe in 2.6 Alpha?


        • 1. Re: AJAX4JSF

          What amkes you think that is it a JBoss Portal Server bug ? Any URL ?

          • 2. Re: AJAX4JSF

            i got the same problem for many weeks !

            take a look at jacote's message.

            i think this problem is not solved.


            "alexsmirnov" wrote:
            After lot of work, I was found source of problem.
            For store per-applicaton instances of configurable JSF classes ( Factories etc ) JSF use context class loader ( Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() ) as key in static Map ( as far as many web libraries ).
            With installed portal service, Jboss call init() method of filter with different context, and incorrect classloader !
            As a result, JSF do not have acces to configured instances, and filter methods don't show application classes.
            In lates release ajax4jsf, most of initialization work moved from init() method, and applications can work with Jboss portal service.
            P.S. For properly work inside portal, we need more changes - this feature targetted to ajax4jsf 1.1 release.