1 2 3 4 5 Previous Next 120 Replies Latest reply on Apr 20, 2007 5:45 PM by claprun Go to original post
      • 30. Re: JBoss Portal 2.6 Alpha 2 Release

        This is not a done deal...
        I *way* prefer ant like many other, but this is an endless discussion.

        Maven will be proposed as an alternative.

        • 31. Re: JBoss Portal 2.6 Alpha 2 Release

          Yup, it's not a done deal. Currently, we are trying on microcontainer and depending on how that goes, other projects will be decided.

          • 32. Re: JBoss Portal 2.6 Alpha 2 Release


            "thomas.heute@jboss.com" wrote:
            This is not a done deal...
            I *way* prefer ant like many other, but this is an endless discussion.

            Maven will be proposed as an alternative.

            I think we can say both ant and Maven2.
            Adding poms to the project could be a good move for the portal.
            Fore example I uses maven when I work, so I have the trouble of updating the repository each time I download new software.
            I would like to add poms to the build

            • 33. Re: JBoss Portal 2.6 Alpha 2 Release

              They are not show stoppers but I don't suppose that the navigation issues:

              nested page navigation, http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPORTAL-1240

              and the page tab security issue, http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPORTAL-1239 have been addressed at all?

              BTW, if you can point me at the correct modules for this I can take a stab at 1239 at least. Last I looked it looked like a factory class was creating URL objects that could only give you a URL in the JSPs used for the navigation tabs (no way to check security in the JSP).

              (Decided to work from home today where there is no pesky firewall and proxy issue to deal with, I can set them however I want!)

              • 34. Re: JBoss Portal 2.6 Alpha 2 Release

                Ant versus Maven 2.

                Ant is very procedural, and very bad at bootstrapping without a lot of work. Maven 2 is object oriented and designed around the project model of work. I don't see why you would want to reinvent the wheel with Ant when any ant task can be used within Maven 2 when you need to do something procedural.

                Using maven definately involves a learning curve. Its model is very much like Eclipse, project oriented. Spend some time with it and you won't go back. Also you can use both, but my guess is work on supporting the ant build will drop by the wayside shortly after introducing Maven 2. Especially when you have to start chasing down dependencies, and dependencies of dependencies.

                It would also facilitate the nightly build and deployment of the trunk to a publicly visible website so we don't have to build the code ourselves to try a fix out (this is turning out to be a lot of fun, chasing down all the stuff it uses)

                • 35. Re: JBoss Portal 2.6 Alpha 2 Release

                  It's en endless discussion, like "Windows vs Linux", "Coke vs Pepsi"...

                  I unfortunately took the learning curve of Maven the hard way till i reached the limits and had to fall back to something that let me do exactly what i want, not what the tool wants me to do :) But that's *my* experience and *my* opinion.

                  Again, ideally we would provide both, but that will be a pain to maintain.

                  • 36. Re: JBoss Portal 2.6 Alpha 2 Release

                    Warping the project to the tool. I know what you mean, it does force a format on your project layouts and a way of assembling. Like all leverage there is a price to be paid. But it usually is correct from a technical and practical point of view. Right now I am sorting out how to build JBoss Portal.

                    I have also used Jetspeed 2 (maven 1) and it was a breeze to set up and work on, it bootstrapped its dependencies, and the enforced layouts etc made it a snap to set up because I knew exactly what to expect. Maven 2 is a big improvement if the project is set up well and its dependencies are as well (when they are not they are squeaky wheels and get plenty of grease).

                    Besides you can always create your own project types (other than the standard war, ear, jar, pom etc.

                    If I can find some spare cycles I will try it on your project.

                    • 37. Re: JBoss Portal 2.6 Alpha 2 Release

                      Let's focus on your build problem then.

                      Other than the firewall problem, what doesn't work for you ?

                      You should just go to the 'build' directory then type "sh build.sh deploy" it will fetch the libraries, build the sar and deploy if you set JBOSS_HOME to your JBoss AS directory

                      • 38. Re: JBoss Portal 2.6 Alpha 2 Release

                        Got the build working with a little trial and error. It wasn't finding a JUnit class until I added it to the classpath.

                        • 39. Re: JBoss Portal 2.6 Alpha 2 Release

                          This sounds weird. JUnit should have already been in the classpath.

                          • 40. Re: JBoss Portal 2.6 Alpha 2 Release

                            Yes you actually don't need to install ant, it comes with the sources and the necessary libs.

                            Just use build.sh (or build.bat) and it will call the embedded ant

                            • 41. Re: JBoss Portal 2.6 Alpha 2 Release

                              Ok antians. I keep getting this on my machine at work using the build.bat (using the bundled ant or my own, 1.70)

                              BUILD FAILED
                              C:\workspace\jbportal\trunk\build\build.xml:366: The following error occurred while executing this line:
                              C:\workspace\jbportal\trunk\thirdparty\antlr\component-info.xml:1: Unexpected element "{}html" {antlib:org.apache.tools.ant}html

                              seems be treating these html elements as ant tasks

                              • 42. Re: JBoss Portal 2.6 Alpha 2 Release

                                See ? by ranting against ant, it doesn't like you anymore ;)

                                This is weird... Never heard of that problem before, here is what you should have in component-info.xml

                                <project name="antlr-component-info">
                                 <component id="antlr"
                                 description="ANother Tool for Language Recognition">
                                 <artifact id="antlr-2.7.6.jar"/>
                                 <include input="antlr-2.7.6.jar"/>
                                Does your work firewall modify files on the way ?

                                • 43. Re: JBoss Portal 2.6 Alpha 2 Release

                                  I figured it was my bad mouthing, it got its revenge.

                                  Someone pulled it for me, then sent it so I could use it. Wonder if they messed up some directories. Do you have any versions of that file name anywhere else that have an html element in them?

                                  • 44. Re: JBoss Portal 2.6 Alpha 2 Release

                                    Your ant command says it is doing one thing then does another:

                                    Buildfile: C:\workspace\jbportal\trunk\build\build.xml
                                    [get] Getting: http://repository.jboss.com/antlr/2.7.6.ga/component-info.xml
                                    [get] To: C:\workspace\jbportal\trunk\thirdparty\antlr\component-info.xml
                                    [get] local file date : Fri Feb 16 10:26:45 EST 2007
                                    [get] Not modified - so not downloaded

                                    then when I check what gets downloaded it is xml with an html element

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