1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 3, 2008 4:01 AM by mail.micke

    <rich:modalPanel> reRender Problem


      Hi everyone,

      I did some experiment with:
      - an outputText: for printing my state from the managed bean
      - a commandLink: for show the modalPanel (and change the state from the managed bean to 'true' & reRender the outputText)
      - a commandLink to hide the modalPanel (and change the state from the managed bean to 'false' & reRender the outputText) in the modalPanel

      The "show link" 's working perfectly, the modalPanel showed, the state changed and the outputText reRendered.

      But the "hide link" 's working ... bugly :P. The modalPanel hide, the state changed but the outputText didn't reRendered ???
      (if i use onComplete instead of onClick ::: the modalPanel can't be hidden :|)

      Show how can I fix that "bug" ???

      P/S: Sorry for my bad English