1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 7, 2008 5:40 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    Richfaces Calendar restricting date dispalyed in the calenda


      We have a requirement to restrict date selection to restrict from backdated based on the date displayed

      this is the code for calendar usuage

      <rich:calendar id="editPurchaseDate" resetTimeOnDateSelect="true" converterMessage="Invalid purchase end date. Expected date in MMM dd yyyy, HH:mm" enableManualInput="true" tabindex="7" value="#{assetDataMgdBean.mediaAsset.purchaseEndDate}" datePattern="MMM dd yyyy, HH:mm" disabled="#{initAssetMgdBean.readOnlyPermission}" inputClass="editAssetDateInput inputValue" buttonClass="calButton"/>

      we want to display date selection in teh calendar only from purchase end date onwards not allow backdated selection