1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 14, 2007 4:21 PM by sjewett

    Provide CRUD access to CMS repository without access to Admi


      Hi All -

      We're running:

      JBoss Portal 2.4.1 SP1
      JBoss AS 4.0.4 GA
      RedHat Enterprise Linux 4 ES
      Oracle 9i

      For a small group of users, I would like to provide access to the CMS repository so they can manage their own content. However, I don't want them to access the Admin portlet (create pages, portlets, users, roles, security, themes, etc.). I have created a new role and a new user. I made the new user a member of the new role. I created a new page and placed the CMS portlet on the page. When I log in as that user and go to my new page - it reads "Access Denied" in the CMS portlet window. If I make the new user a member of Administrator role - then he has access to the CMS repository, but everything else as well.

      Is there a way to do this?

      Any help is appreciated. Thanks!