1 Reply Latest reply on May 23, 2007 11:05 AM by prabhat.jha

    Deploying JBoss Portal 2.6 on JBoss AS 4.2.0



      i tried deploying JBoss Portal 2.6 CR2 on JBoss AS 4.2.0. I get some strange errors (see log). I configured JBoss AS to work with MySQL 5.0 as default database which works fine without any errors. I configured a seperate datasource ("PortalDS"; also MySQL 5.0 but a different scheme) for the portal (of course I copied the *-ds.xml file to server/default/deploy).

      The errors occur if i use the portal binary and if i build from SVN (trunk and 2.6. CR2 tag).

      Do you have any ideas what's wrong?

      Thanks for your help.

      Best regards,


      --- Incompletely deployed packages ---
      org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentInfo@7ceb3e02 { url=file:/C:/jboss/server/default/deploy/jboss-portal.sar }
      deployer: org.jboss.deployment.SARDeployer@ec6b00
      status: Deployment FAILED reason: - nested throwable: (java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException)
      state: FAILED
      watch: file:/C:/jboss/server/default/deploy/jboss-portal.sar
      altDD: null
      lastDeployed: 1179932068348
      lastModified: 1179932064583

      PS: Can i attach files to a post (posting the whole log as text would not be readable).