0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 15, 2007 6:16 AM by advaittrivedi

    struck log4j related problems while starting CAS war


      I have installed Central Authentication Service v 3.0.7 on JBoss Portal 2.6. For that we need to put cas.war to /JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy

      After that i started the server, but i got:

      15:38:58,767 INFO [[/cas]] Initializing Log4J from [classpath:log4j.properties]
      15:38:58,923 ERROR [STDERR] log4j:ERROR A "org.jboss.logging.util.OnlyOnceErrorHandler" object is not assignable to a "o
      rg.apache.log4j.spi.ErrorHandler" variable.
      15:38:58,923 ERROR [STDERR] log4j:ERROR The class "org.apache.log4j.spi.ErrorHandler" was loaded by
      15:38:58,923 ERROR [STDERR] log4j:ERROR [WebappClassLoader
      delegate: false
      ----------> Parent Classloader:
      ] whereas object of type
      15:38:58,923 ERROR [STDERR] log4j:ERROR "org.jboss.logging.util.OnlyOnceErrorHandler" was loaded by [org.jboss.system.se
      15:38:58,986 ERROR [STDERR] log4j:ERROR Could not create an Appender. Reported error follows.
      15:38:58,986 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jboss.logging.appender.DailyRollingFileAppender

      So I decided to remove log4j and commons-logging from web-inf/lib of cas.war. I also verified they are present in lib of /JBOSS_HOME/server/default. Now server startup simply halts at:

      15:42:43,162 INFO [[/cas]] Initializing Log4J from [classpath:log4j.properties]

      No errors any where!! Any idea whats going on.