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1. Re: correct use of processAction and doView
julien1 Jul 7, 2007 7:31 PM (in response to sudarshanacharya)If an error happens, you need to configure the render parameters in the processAction for the next render (hence doView) method, such as:
resp.setParameter("error", "My Error Message");
Then in doView you can do:String error = req.getParameter("error"); if (error != null) { displayError(error); } else { // Normal treatment }
Of course the down side of this way to do is that the error message will happen on every render of the portlet until the user clicks on one link of the portlet that will change the render parameters.
If you want to void that then you should store the error message in the PortletSession and remove it from the session during the render. -
2. Re: correct use of processAction and doView
theute Jul 10, 2007 11:12 AM (in response to sudarshanacharya)Is setRenderParameter(name, value) what you are looking for ?
3. Re: correct use of processAction and doView
theute Jul 13, 2007 10:47 AM (in response to sudarshanacharya)Use any technology, this is out of scope of the portal.
JSF will do that well.