0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 8, 2007 7:12 AM by ameo

    Switch Portals programmaticaly



      I use JBoss-Portal 2.6.2.

      I want to switch from my default portal to another portal. The other portal is created dynamically. I create the portal, the page, and a portlet on this page on the fly by clicking a button on an jsf-page on a portlet. Till here all works fine. Now I want just to jump to the newly created portal and jump to the special page.

      First I tried the sendRedirect- Method, but this method can not be invoked after any of the following methods of the ActionResponse interface has been called: (JP-API)

      * setPortletMode
      * setWindowState
      * setRenderParameter
      * setRenderParameters

      I tried the following:

      etx.redirect(createdPageURL.toString() );

      Both of this calls are only successfull by first time clicking.

      Is there another way to jump to the newly creaded portal and his page ?

      I tried something with


      The portletNode I get with

      PortalNode currentNode = Navigation.getCurrentNode();

      PortalNode rootNode = currentNode.getRoot();

      PortalNode jumpToNode = rootNode.getChild(portalname);

      PortalNode jumpToPage = jumpToNode.getChild(PageName);

      but I had no luck.