3 Replies Latest reply on Nov 6, 2007 6:38 AM by je.a.le

    jbossportal with apache proxy help ! (accessing portal from


      let's say I created 2 portals s1 and s2 ; I can perfectly access them with :
      http://xxx/portal/portal/s1 and http://xxx/portal/portal/s2

      for exemple i want to access them throught s1.org and s2.org. since apache will keep the 80 port (and jboss 8080), i'm trying apache proxy (mod_jk didn't work well...)

      i'm getting the site bit :
      1) no css, picture, etc...
      2) if i click a link (ex page2) instead of s1.org/page2 i'm getting http://s1.org/portal/portal/s1/page2, which fail to resolve...

      i hardly believe i'm the only one trying to acces portal instance from plain url, but i can't found any documentation ; it is so trivial !???

      nota : working on, with in /etc/hosts : s1.org s2.org

      my config apache :

      ServerName s1.org
      ServerAlias www.s1.org

      ProxyRequests Off

      <Proxy *>
      Order deny,allow
      Allow from all

      ProxyPass /
      proxyPassReverse /
      SetOutputFilter proxy-html
      ProxyHTMLURLMap /

      ProxyPreserveHost Off

      Thks !!

        • 1. Re: jbossportal with apache proxy help ! (accessing portal f

          I would recommend to use mod_rewrite in conjunction with mod_proxy, which provide more flexibility for integration of content in the namespace of the virtual host. In order to reduce maintenance effort should think about using include files like in the example below.

          Do you really need to use proxy-html?


          ServerTokens Prod
          LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
          LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
          RewriteEngine on
          RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^(TRACE|LOCK|UNLOCK)
          RewriteRule .* - [F]
           ServerName s1.org
           Include conf/s1.txt
           ServerName s2.org
           Include conf/s2.txt

          RewriteRule .* - [E=DEFAULT_PORTAL:s1]
          RewriteRule .* - [E=DEFAULT_PAGE:p1]
          Include conf/common_rules.txt

          RewriteRule .* - [E=DEFAULT_PORTAL:s2]
          RewriteRule .* - [E=DEFAULT_PAGE:p2]
          Include conf/common_rules.txt

          RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/$
          RewriteRule .* http://localhost:8080/portal/portal/%{ENV:DEFAULT_PORTAL}/%{ENV:DEFAULT_PAGE} [P]
          RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^$
          RewriteRule .* http://localhost:8080/portal/portal/%{ENV:DEFAULT_PORTAL}/%{ENV:DEFAULT_PAGE} [P]
          RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/portal
          RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ http://localhost:8080/$1 [P]

          • 2. Re: jbossportal with apache proxy help ! (accessing portal f

            Thanks for your reply, it helps a lot; in a matter of fact it's the direction i were just looking at.

            btw it seem you have to add "RewriteEngine on" in each virtualhost directive, even if set in http.conf ; else rewrite doesn't process.

            second mistake of me was to remove proxy_http (instead of http_html which is no use anymore)... so if [P] directive doesn't work, check your config !

            Your code work perfectly "out of the box" ; definitively something to add in the jbossportal faq/doc


            • 3. Re: jbossportal with apache proxy help ! (accessing portal f

              last word : in your apache vhost directive, don't forget :

              ProxyPreserveHost On

              else, when login into the portal you will fall into localhost:8080 url...
