0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 15, 2008 8:47 AM by dashti

    problem making treeSelector custom composite component


      Dear friends:

      I'm trying to make a component like rich:Calendar but this time, instead of selecting a dare, we want to select an item from a tree.

      I want to do this by reusing richfaces components.

      I only put here the main part of code.

      every thing is ok, but at the end tree doesn't work in ajax mode!!!

      please help me !

      here is my code:


      package com.cybermehr.component.html;
      import java.io.IOException;
      import java.util.Collection;
      import java.util.Map;
      import javax.el.ELException;
      import javax.el.ValueExpression;
      import javax.faces.FacesException;
      import javax.faces.application.Application;
      import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlGraphicImage;
      import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText;
      import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputText;
      import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
      import org.richfaces.component.UITree;
      import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlTree;
      import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlTreeNode;
      import org.richfaces.component.state.TreeStateAdvisor;
      import org.richfaces.model.TreeNode;
      import com.cybermehr.component.UITreeSelector;
      import com.cybermehr.helper.datastructure.TreeData;
      import com.cybermehr.helper.datastructure.TreeHierarchy;
      public class HtmlTreeSelector extends UITreeSelector
       private boolean _ajaxSingle;
       private boolean _ajaxSingleSet;
       private boolean _bypassUpdates;
       private boolean _bypassUpdatesSet;
       private Object _data;
       private String _eventsQueue;
       private String _focus;
       private String _icon;
       private String _iconCollapsed;
       private String _iconExpanded;
       private String _iconLeaf;
       private boolean _ignoreDupResponses;
       private boolean _ignoreDupResponsesSet;
       private boolean _limitToList;
       private boolean _limitToListSet;
       private String _nodeFace;
       private String _onbeforedomupdate;
       private String _oncomplete;
       private String _ondblclick;
       private Object _process;
       private Object _reRender;
       private int _requestDelay;
       private boolean _requestDelaySet;
       private String _status;
       private String _switchType;
       private int _timeout;
       private boolean _timeoutSet;
       private boolean _toggleOnClick;
       private boolean _toggleOnClickSet;
       private String _buttonClass;
       private String _buttonIcon;
       private String _inputClass;
       private Integer _inputSize;
       private String _inputStyle;
       private String _layout;
       private Object _roots;
       private HtmlInputText inputBox;
       private HtmlGraphicImage imageButton;
       private HtmlTree insiderTree;
       //private HtmlRecursiveTreeNodesAdaptor nodeAdaptor;
       private HtmlTreeNode treeNode;
       private HtmlOutputText treeNodeLabel;
       public HtmlTreeSelector()
       Application app = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication();
       _buttonClass = null;
       _buttonIcon = null;
       _inputClass = null;
       _inputSize = null;
       _inputStyle = null;
       _layout = null;
       _roots = null;
       if(getChildCount() == 0) {
       setImageButton((HtmlGraphicImage) app.createComponent(HtmlGraphicImage.COMPONENT_TYPE));
       setInsiderTree((HtmlTree) app.createComponent(HtmlTree.COMPONENT_TYPE));
      // setNodeAdaptor((HtmlRecursiveTreeNodesAdaptor) app.createComponent(HtmlRecursiveTreeNodesAdaptor.COMPONENT_TYPE));
       setTreeNode((HtmlTreeNode) app.createComponent(HtmlTreeNode.COMPONENT_TYPE));
       setTreeNodeLabel((HtmlOutputText) app.createComponent(HtmlOutputText.COMPONENT_TYPE));
      // getNodeAdaptor().getChildren().add(getTreeNode());
      // getInsiderTree().getChildren().add(getNodeAdaptor());
      // getChildren().add(getInputBox());
      // getChildren().add(getImageButton());
       public boolean isAjaxSingle()
       return _ajaxSingle;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("ajaxSingle");
       if(ve != null)
       Boolean value = null;
       value = (Boolean)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       if(null == value)
       return _ajaxSingle;
       return value.booleanValue();
       } else
       return _ajaxSingle;
       public void setAjaxSingle(boolean _ajaxSingle)
       this._ajaxSingle = _ajaxSingle;
       _ajaxSingleSet = true;
       public boolean isBypassUpdates()
       return _bypassUpdates;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("bypassUpdates");
       if(ve != null)
       Boolean value = null;
       value = (Boolean)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       if(null == value)
       return _bypassUpdates;
       return value.booleanValue();
       } else
       return _bypassUpdates;
       public void setBypassUpdates(boolean _bypassUpdates)
       this._bypassUpdates = _bypassUpdates;
       _bypassUpdatesSet = true;
       public Object getData()
       if(_data != null)
       return _data;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("data");
       if(ve != null)
       Object value = null;
       value = ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       return value;
       } else
       return null;
       public void setData(Object _data)
       this._data = _data;
       public String getEventsQueue()
       if(_eventsQueue != null)
       return _eventsQueue;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("eventsQueue");
       if(ve != null)
       String value = null;
       value = (String)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       return value;
       } else
       return null;
       public void setEventsQueue(String _eventsQueue)
       this._eventsQueue = _eventsQueue;
       public String getFocus()
       if(_focus != null)
       return _focus;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("focus");
       if(ve != null)
       String value = null;
       value = (String)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       return value;
       } else
       return null;
       public void setFocus(String _focus)
       this._focus = _focus;
       public String getIcon()
       if(_icon != null)
       return _icon;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("icon");
       if(ve != null)
       String value = null;
       value = (String)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       return value;
       } else
       return null;
       public void setIcon(String _icon)
       this._icon = _icon;
       public String getIconCollapsed()
       if(_iconCollapsed != null)
       return _iconCollapsed;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("iconCollapsed");
       if(ve != null)
       String value = null;
       value = (String)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       return value;
       } else
       return null;
       public void setIconCollapsed(String _iconCollapsed)
       this._iconCollapsed = _iconCollapsed;
       public String getIconExpanded()
       if(_iconExpanded != null)
       return _iconExpanded;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("iconExpanded");
       if(ve != null)
       String value = null;
       value = (String)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       return value;
       } else
       return null;
       public void setIconExpanded(String _iconExpanded)
       this._iconExpanded = _iconExpanded;
       public String getIconLeaf()
       if(_iconLeaf != null)
       return _iconLeaf;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("iconLeaf");
       if(ve != null)
       String value = null;
       value = (String)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       return value;
       } else
       return null;
       public void setIconLeaf(String _iconLeaf)
       this._iconLeaf = _iconLeaf;
       public boolean isIgnoreDupResponses()
       return _ignoreDupResponses;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("ignoreDupResponses");
       if(ve != null)
       Boolean value = null;
       value = (Boolean)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       if(null == value)
       return _ignoreDupResponses;
       return value.booleanValue();
       } else
       return _ignoreDupResponses;
       public void setIgnoreDupResponses(boolean _ignoreDupResponses)
       this._ignoreDupResponses = _ignoreDupResponses;
       _ignoreDupResponsesSet = true;
       public boolean isLimitToList()
       return _limitToList;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("limitToList");
       if(ve != null)
       Boolean value = null;
       value = (Boolean)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       if(null == value)
       return _limitToList;
       return value.booleanValue();
       } else
       return _limitToList;
       public void setLimitToList(boolean _limitToList)
       this._limitToList = _limitToList;
       _limitToListSet = true;
       public String getNodeFace()
       if(_nodeFace != null)
       return _nodeFace;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("nodeFace");
       if(ve != null)
       String value = null;
       value = (String)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       return value;
       } else
       return null;
       public void setNodeFace(String _nodeFace)
       this._nodeFace = _nodeFace;
       public String getOnbeforedomupdate()
       if(_onbeforedomupdate != null)
       return _onbeforedomupdate;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("onbeforedomupdate");
       if(ve != null)
       String value = null;
       value = (String)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       return value;
       } else
       return null;
       public void setOnbeforedomupdate(String _onbeforedomupdate)
       this._onbeforedomupdate = _onbeforedomupdate;
       public String getOncomplete()
       if(_oncomplete != null)
       return _oncomplete;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("oncomplete");
       if(ve != null)
       String value = null;
       value = (String)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       return value;
       } else
       return null;
       public void setOncomplete(String _oncomplete)
       this._oncomplete = _oncomplete;
       public String getOndblclick()
       if(_ondblclick != null)
       return _ondblclick;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("ondblclick");
       if(ve != null)
       String value = null;
       value = (String)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       return value;
       } else
       return null;
       public Object getProcess()
       if(_process != null)
       return _process;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("process");
       if(ve != null)
       Object value = null;
       value = ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       return value;
       } else
       return null;
       public void setProcess(Object _process)
       this._process = _process;
       public Object getReRender()
       if(_reRender != null)
       return _reRender;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("reRender");
       if(ve != null)
       Object value = null;
       value = ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       return value;
       } else
       return null;
       public void setReRender(Object _reRender)
       this._reRender = _reRender;
       public int getRequestDelay()
       return _requestDelay;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("requestDelay");
       if(ve != null)
       Integer value = null;
       value = (Integer)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       if(null == value)
       return _requestDelay;
       return value.intValue();
       } else
       return _requestDelay;
       public void setRequestDelay(int _requestDelay)
       this._requestDelay = _requestDelay;
       _requestDelaySet = true;
       public String getStatus()
       if(_status != null)
       return _status;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("status");
       if(ve != null)
       String value = null;
       value = (String)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       return value;
       } else
       return null;
       public void setStatus(String _status)
       this._status = _status;
       public String getSwitchType()
       if(_switchType != null)
       return _switchType;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("switchType");
       if(ve != null)
       String value = null;
       value = (String)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       return value;
       } else
       return "ajax";
       public void setSwitchType(String _switchType)
       this._switchType = _switchType;
       public int getTimeout()
       return _timeout;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("timeout");
       if(ve != null)
       Integer value = null;
       value = (Integer)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       if(null == value)
       return _timeout;
       return value.intValue();
       } else
       return _timeout;
       public void setTimeout(int _timeout)
       this._timeout = _timeout;
       _timeoutSet = true;
       public boolean isToggleOnClick()
       return _toggleOnClick;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("toggleOnClick");
       if(ve != null)
       Boolean value = null;
       value = (Boolean)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       if(null == value)
       return _toggleOnClick;
       return value.booleanValue();
       } else
       return _toggleOnClick;
       public void setToggleOnClick(boolean _toggleOnClick)
       this._toggleOnClick = _toggleOnClick;
       _toggleOnClickSet = true;
       public String getButtonClass()
       if(_buttonClass != null)
       return _buttonClass;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("buttonClass");
       if(ve != null)
       String value = null;
       value = (String)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       return value;
       } else
       return null;
       public void setButtonClass(String _buttonClass)
       this._buttonClass = _buttonClass;
       public String getButtonIcon()
       if(_buttonIcon != null)
       return _buttonIcon;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("buttonIcon");
       if(ve != null)
       String value = null;
       value = (String)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       return value;
       } else
       return null;
       public void setButtonIcon(String _buttonIcon)
       this._buttonIcon = _buttonIcon;
       public String getInputClass()
       if(_inputClass != null)
       return _inputClass;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("inputClass");
       if(ve != null)
       String value = null;
       value = (String)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       return value;
       } else
       return null;
       public void setInputClass(String _inputClass)
       this._inputClass = _inputClass;
       public int getInputSize()
       if(_inputSize != null)
       return _inputSize;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("inputSize");
       if(ve != null)
       Integer value = null;
       value = (Integer)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       if(null == value)
       return _inputSize;
       return value.intValue();
       } else
       return _inputSize;
       public void setInputSize(int _inputSize)
       this._inputSize = _inputSize;
       public String getInputStyle()
       if(_inputStyle != null)
       return _inputStyle;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("inputStyle");
       if(ve != null)
       String value = null;
       value = (String)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       return value;
       } else
       return null;
       public void setLayout(String _layout)
       this._layout = _layout;
       public String getLayout()
       if(_layout != null)
       return _layout;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("layout");
       if(ve != null)
       String value = null;
       value = (String)ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       return value;
       } else
       return null;
       public Object getRoots()
       if(_roots != null)
       return _roots;
       ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("roots");
       if(ve != null)
       Object value = null;
       value = ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext());
       catch(ELException e)
       throw new FacesException(e);
       return value;
       } else
       return null;
       public void setRoots(Object _roots)
       this._roots = _roots;
       public void setInputStyle(String _inputStyle)
       this._inputStyle = _inputStyle;
       public String getFamily()
       return UITreeSelector.COMPONENT_FAMILY;
       public HtmlInputText getInputBox() {
       return this.inputBox;
       public void setInputBox(HtmlInputText inputBox) {
       this.inputBox = inputBox;
       public HtmlGraphicImage getImageButton() {
       return this.imageButton;
       public void setImageButton(HtmlGraphicImage imageButton) {
       this.imageButton = imageButton;
       public HtmlTree getInsiderTree() {
       return this.insiderTree;
       public void setInsiderTree(HtmlTree insiderTree) {
       this.insiderTree = insiderTree;
      // public HtmlRecursiveTreeNodesAdaptor getNodeAdaptor() {
      // return this.nodeAdaptor;
      // }
      // public void setNodeAdaptor(HtmlRecursiveTreeNodesAdaptor nodeAdaptor) {
      // this.nodeAdaptor = nodeAdaptor;
      // }
       public HtmlTreeNode getTreeNode() {
       return this.treeNode;
       public void setTreeNode(HtmlTreeNode treeNode) {
       this.treeNode = treeNode;
       public HtmlOutputText getTreeNodeLabel() {
       return this.treeNodeLabel;
       public void setTreeNodeLabel(HtmlOutputText treeNodeLabel) {
       this.treeNodeLabel = treeNodeLabel;
       public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException {
       if(!isRendered()) {
       Application app = context.getApplication();
       Long value = (Long) getValue();
       TreeNode<TreeData> roots = (TreeNode<TreeData>)getRoots();
       TreeNode<TreeData> selectedValue = TreeHierarchy.findTreeNode(roots, value);
       Object currentInputTextValue = "";
       if(selectedValue != null) {
       currentInputTextValue = selectedValue.getData().getLabel();
       getImageButton().setStyle("vertical-align: middle;cursor: pointer;");
       getImageButton().setStyleClass((new StringBuilder()).append("cyber-tree-button ").append(convertToString(getAttributes().get("buttonClass"))).toString());
       String buttonIcon = (String) getAttributes().get("buttonIcon");
       getTreeNodeLabel().setValueExpression("value", app.getExpressionFactory().createValueExpression(context.getELContext(),"#{item.label}", java.lang.String.class));
       public Object saveState(FacesContext context)
       Object state[] = new Object[8];
       state[0] = super.saveState(context);
       state[1] = _buttonClass;
       state[2] = _buttonIcon;
       state[3] = _inputClass;
       state[4] = _inputSize;
       state[5] = _inputStyle;
       state[6] = _layout;
       state[7] = _roots;
       return state;
       public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state)
       Object states[] = (Object[])state;
       super.restoreState(context, states[0]);
       _buttonClass = (String)states[1];
       _buttonIcon = (String)states[2];
       _inputClass = (String)states[3];
       _inputSize = (Integer)states[4];
       _inputStyle = (String)states[5];
       _layout = (String)states[6];
       _roots = states[7];
       public Object processSaveState(FacesContext context) {
       Object superState = super.processSaveState(context);
       return new Object[] {superState, new Integer(getChildCount())};
       public void processRestoreState(FacesContext context, Object state) {
       Object[] values = (Object[]) state;
       Integer savedChildCount = (Integer) values[1];
       for (int i = getChildCount() - savedChildCount.intValue(); i > 0; i--) {
       super.processRestoreState(context, values[0]);
       private String convertToString(Object obj)
       return obj != null ? obj.toString() : "";
       private String convertToString(boolean b)
       return String.valueOf(b);
       private String convertToString(int b)
       return b == 0x80000000 ? "" : String.valueOf(b);
       private String convertToString(long b)
       return b == 0x8000000000000000L ? "" : String.valueOf(b);
       private boolean isEmpty(Object o)
       if(null == o)
       return true;
       if(o instanceof String)
       return 0 == ((String)o).length();
       if(o instanceof Collection)
       return 0 == ((Collection)o).size();
       if(o instanceof Map)
       return 0 == ((Map)o).size();
       return 0 == ((Object[])o).length;
       return false;
       private TreeStateAdvisor getMyStateAdvisor() {
       final Object val = getValue();
       return new TreeStateAdvisor() {
       public Boolean adviseNodeOpened(UITree tree) {
       TreeData node = (TreeData) tree.getRowData(tree.getRowKey());
       if(node != null && node.getValue().equals(val)) {
       return Boolean.TRUE;
       return null;
       public Boolean adviseNodeSelected(UITree tree) {
       TreeData node = (TreeData) tree.getRowData(tree.getRowKey());
       if(node != null && node.getValue().equals(val)) {
       return Boolean.TRUE;
       return null;