5 Replies Latest reply on Jul 17, 2008 6:08 AM by kristjan273

    rich:combobox value and label problem



      I've got a problem with rich:comboBox. While h:selectOneMenu is impossible to style in ie I tried to use rich:comboBox.

      But I found one trouble using it - label presented in the input box is a complete string as is getAsString output from converter
      "profileConverter" . Eq.: label should be "kristjan", but presented is "955:kristjan::13:false"

      The code I use on the view:

      <rich:comboBox value="#{pcBean.selUser}" defaultLabel="#{pcBean.selUser.name}" converter="#{profileConverter}" >
      <s:selectItems value="#{pcBean.ProfileList}" var="item" label="#{item.name}"/>

      Tnx in advance on any suggestions,
