4 Replies Latest reply on May 9, 2008 1:51 AM by theute

    Page layout: 3columns layout error


      Hi all,

      When I try to change the layout of the default page I get an exception like:

      An error occurred at line: 12 in the jsp file: /layouts/3columns/index.jsp
      The method setJspContext(JspContext) in the type SimpleTagSupport is not applica
      ble for the arguments (PageContext)
      9: <!-- to correct the unsightly Flash of Unstyled Content. -->
      11: <!-- inject the theme, default to the Renaissance theme if nothing is sel
      ected for the portal or the page -->
      12: <p:theme themeName="renaissance"/>
      13: <!-- insert header content that was possibly set by portlets on the page
      14: <p:headerContent/>

      Moreover same exception occurs for all the lines in index.jsp of 3columns where tags of portal-layout.tld are used.

      Other layouts work perfectly fine.

      Please help.

        • 1. Re: Page layout: 3columns layout error

          I couldn't reproduce the error.
          I changed the layout to use 3 columns, it worked like the other layouts (All layouts are *very* similar in coding anyway)

          • 2. Re: Page layout: 3columns layout error

            I had similar error messages when trying to create the login/error page using the layout jsp as template, so that the same theme can apply to the login/error page as well. I was able to do it in JBP 2.2 SP1. But in JBP 2.6.4, I got that the same error pointing to the "<p:theme " line. If I removed that line, the error message gone. But it also means no theme at all. I could get the theme if I hard coded the corresponding "<link rel" line. I wonder if the "<p:theme" tag now has an additional requirement for an jsp page.

            • 3. Re: Page layout: 3columns layout error

              I had the following error when trying out the myLayout example:

              13:30:31,464 ERROR [STDERR] org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /layouts/twoColumns.jsp(7,3) Unable to load tag handler class "org.jboss.portal.core.theme.tag.ThemeTagHandler" for tag "p:theme"

              After some digging I saw that the path in the portal-layout.xml file was incorrect.
              It should have been


              • 4. Re: Page layout: 3columns layout error

                jamesl, i think you mixed multiple versions of the portal.

                I guess you talked about the file located in:
                jboss-portal.sar/conf/theme/portal-layout.tld which has the correct path to the ThemeTagHandler