2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 8, 2008 11:28 AM by peterj

    Question JBOSS Portal


      I have to download JBoss Portal Binary, and I have the page portal which displays. I would like to know if it's the file to jboss-portal.sar that is going to be to re-configure for developper a new portal. because if I makes change such as the addition of portlets I do not see change in the file. Thus where I can find the authorities of portlets that I deploy in JBOSS .

      Sorry for my english

        • 1. Re: Question JBOSS Portal

          The XML descriptors are only used for initial configuration or reset of Portal's data. They are not updated by Portal to mirror the current state of your Portal. Please take a look at the reference guide for more information.

          • 2. Re: Question JBOSS Portal

            When you add portlets, you need to also supply a portlet-instances.xml file and *-object.xml file, or else they will not appear. (Well, you could go into them anagement portlet and add them theree.) Information about these files, and how to use the management portlet, is also in the reference guide that Chris mentioned.