1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 9, 2008 1:39 PM by claprun

    wsrp_rewrite usage


      Using JBAS 4.2.2 and Portal 2.6.4. I would like to use the WSRP_REWRITE functionality as described in the reference manual 24.6.1,

      As a result of this, the token to use for rewrite is the WSRP specified "wsrp_rewrite_". If the portlet sets the following response property

      all occurrences of the wsrp_rewrite_ token in the portlet fragment will be replaced with a unique token (the window id). If the portlet also specifies content to be injected into the header of the page, that content is also subject to this rewrite.

      res.setProperty("HEADER_CONTENT", "
      <script>function wsrp_rewrite_OnFocus(){alert('hello button');}</script>

      But when I "view page source" of the portlet content after rendering I am still seeing the wsrp_rewrite_ tokens, not the window id replacement. Am I missing something?

       protected void doView(RenderRequest rRequest, RenderResponse rResponse) throws PortletException, IOException, UnavailableException
       rResponse.setProperty("HEADER_CONTENT", "<script>function wsrp_rewrite_OnFocus(){alert('hello button');}</script>");
       PortletRequestDispatcher prd = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/jsp/view.jsp");
       prd.include(rRequest, rResponse);

      and view.jsp
      <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/portlet" prefix="portlet" %>
       var wsrp_rewrite_mygrid='TEST REWRITE';
      Hello Rewrite Test Portlet

      source produced
      <link rel="icon" type="image/gif" href="/portal-core/themes/renaissance/images/animated_favicon1.gif" />
       <!-- insert header content that was possibly set by portlets on the page -->
      <script>function wsrp_rewrite_OnFocus(){alert('hello button');}</script>
      <body id="body">
       var wsrp_rewrite_mygrid='TEST REWRITE';
      Hello Rewrite Test Portlet</div></div></td><td class="portlet-content-right"></td></tr><tr>

        • 1. Re: wsrp_rewrite usage

          It appears that this particular part of the documentation is out of date.
          Several things to note:
          * The WSRP_REWRITE property has been removed as this feature should now be performed transparently by Portal.
          * wsrp_rewrite tokens are only used when WSRP is used. If you're not using WSRP, you wouldn't have seen a difference.
          * It seems that you'd like to namespace the elements in your portlet markup. The portlet specification provides for such a requirement:

          in your portlet code or the
          portlet JSP tag in your JSP-based portlets.

          Hope this helps.