1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 14, 2008 12:52 PM by viniciuscarvalho

    MyFaces Portlet called from a non-JSF request ..

      Hi All,

      I need to initiate a JSF based portlet as a response to a http post request (from a jsp). I'm using MyFacesGenericPortlet as the Portlet-JSF bridge.

      The solution works fine when the request does not have any request parameter.

      For requests with request parameter(s) the solution does not work as the request parameters are never available in the managed bean of JSF (I try to read them in the constructor of the managed bean).

      The only way out I found is extending the processAction() method of MyFacesGenericPortlet where I read the request parameters from the ActionRequest and set them in RenderRequest using setRenderParameter (This anyway one has to do for a jsp based portlet implementation). With this approach I can read the request parameters in the constructor of the managed bean.

      Can anyone validate whether this is a known limitation of MyFacesGenericPortlet and the solution approach I mentioned above is right one (or any other approach is recommended) ?

      Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated.
