0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 21, 2008 4:15 PM by hemantmahidhara

    rich:tree, a4j:commandLink problem


      I am using a4j:commandLink inside rich:tree and noticing a strange problem. When the commandLink is clicked, the bean method that the rich:tree binds to gets called multiple times (3 times).

      Here is my code. the treeBean.testTree gets called 3 times when the commandLink is clicked.

      <rich:tree id="testTree" style="width:100%;padding-top:2px" switchType="ajax" var="myTree"
       value="#{treeBean.testTree}" ignoreDupResponses="true" bypassUpdates="true" >
       <rich:treeNode iconLeaf="./images/iconFolder.gif" icon="./images/iconFolder.gif" >
       <h:outputText id="${id}label" value="#{myTree.label}" styleClass="contextmenu"/>