1 Reply Latest reply on May 14, 2008 7:09 PM by esmith1

    how to get full url path from portlet request?


      Is there a way to get a full url path from portlet request?

      For example, if I enter www.mywebsite.com/somevalue, this request seems to get processed by my home page default portlet (let's call it MyHomepagePortlet).

      I am looking for a way to get the "www.mywebsite.com/somevalue" value, but I can't find any attribute that carries this information.

      Any ideas would be appreciated?

        • 1. Re: how to get full url path from portlet request?

          I may not have understood your question because in your example www.mywebsite.com/somevalue I wondered why you didnt say /portal. But one thing you can try inside your portlet doView method is

          renderRequest.getScheme() + "://" + renderRequest.getServerName()

          You may also want to look into getServerPort() and getContextPath().