1 Reply Latest reply on May 14, 2008 4:59 AM by theute

    help JBoss AS 4.2.2 + Portal 2.6.5

      there are some problems for jboss as 4.2.2+portal 2.6.5

      2008-05-14 16:17:56,703 WARN [org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator] More than one managed bean w/ the name of 'portalobjectmgr' - only keeping the last
      2008-05-14 16:17:56,703 WARN [org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator] More than one managed bean w/ the name of 'portalAction' - only keeping the last
      2008-05-14 16:17:56,703 WARN [org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator] More than one managed bean w/ the name of 'addPageAction' - only keeping the last
      2008-05-14 16:17:56,703 WARN [org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator] More than one managed bean w/ the name of 'assignContentToWindowAction' - only keeping the last
      2008-05-14 16:17:56,703 WARN [org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator] More than one managed bean w/ the name of 'dashboardmgr' - only keeping the last
      2008-05-14 16:17:56,703 WARN [org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator] More than one managed bean w/ the name of 'instancemgr' - only keeping the last
      2008-05-14 16:17:56,703 WARN [org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator] More than one managed bean w/ the name of 'portletmgr' - only keeping the last
      2008-05-14 16:17:56,703 WARN [org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator] More than one managed bean w/ the name of 'newWindowWizard' - only keeping the last
      2008-05-14 16:17:56,703 WARN [org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator] More than one managed bean w/ the name of 'createInstanceAction' - only keeping the last
      2008-05-14 16:17:56,703 WARN [org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator] More than one managed bean w/ the name of 'dashboard' - only keeping the last
      2008-05-14 16:17:56,703 WARN [org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator] More than one managed bean w/ the name of 'addDashboardPageAction' - only keeping the last
      2008-05-14 16:17:56,703 WARN [org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator] More than one managed bean w/ the name of 'renameAction' - only keeping the last
      2008-05-14 16:17:56,703 WARN [org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator] More than one managed bean w/ the name of 'addDisplayNameAction' - only keeping the last
      2008-05-14 16:17:56,703 WARN [org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator] More than one managed bean w/ the name of 'instanceDisplayNameAction' - only keeping the last
      2008-05-14 16:17:56,703 WARN [org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator] More than one managed bean w/ the name of 'renameDashboardPageAction' - only keeping the last
      2008-05-14 16:17:56,703 WARN [org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator] More than one managed bean w/ the name of 'PortalObject' - only keeping the last
      2008-05-14 16:17:56,703 WARN [org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator] More than one managed bean w/ the name of 'ControlConstants' - only keeping the last
      2008-05-14 16:17:56,703 WARN [org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator] More than one managed bean w/ the name of 'PropertiesInfo' - only keeping the last

      2008-05-14 16:20:46,546 ERROR [org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.config.MyfacesConfig] Both MyFaces and the RI are on your classpath. Please make sure to use only one of the two JSF-implementations.

      2008-05-14 16:20:50,171 ERROR [STDERR] 2008-5-14 16:20:50 com.sun.facelets.tag.jsf.ComponentRule warnAttr
      WARN: /WEB-INF/jsf/admin/index.xhtml @19,77 for="status" Property 'for' is not on type: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlMessages
