7 Replies Latest reply on Feb 20, 2009 9:27 AM by theute

    Portal 2.6.6 Login Dialog Prboem in IE 6 and IE 7



      I have downloaded a JBoss Portal 2.6.6 GA. whenever I like to login into the system via model login dialog, login screen is not displayed correctly in internet explorer 6 and internet explorer 7 family browsers. Login buttons are not placed correctly and are not seen in the dialog.

      It works in Firefox but.

      How can I correct this, mut be any CSS hack or something?

      Thanks For Advance;

        • 1. Re: Portal 2.6.6 Login Dialog Prboem in IE 6 and IE 7

          You are so right - in IE the button are almost impossible to access. You could try editing the file jboss-portal.sar/portal-server.war/login.jsp.

          You should also open a JIRA to get this fixed.

          • 2. Re: Portal 2.6.6 Login Dialog Prboem in IE 6 and IE 7

            I have created https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBPORTAL-2121. I will ask Wesley to comment on this thread in mean time.

            • 3. Re: Portal 2.6.6 Login Dialog Prboem in IE 6 and IE 7

              This is fixed on trunk and will be in next 2.6.7 and 2.7.0.CR1 releases.

              • 4. Re: Portal 2.6.6 Login Dialog Prboem in IE 6 and IE 7

                I needed to fix this on version 2.6.6 on JBoss portal, here is how I solved it.

                Remove padding on div.login-container and div.login-content in

                div.login-container div.login-content {
                 background-image: url( ../images/modal/login-content-bg.gif );
                 background-position: top left;
                 background-repeat: repeat-x;
                 width: 255px;
                 font-weight: bold;
                 padding: 0px 0 0 0;
                 text-align: right;

                Set appropriate width on buttons in

                <input style="width:75px;" type="button" name="cancel" value="<%= rb.getString("LOGIN_CANCEL") %>" class="cancel-button" onclick="window.parent.hideContentModal('login-modal');"/>
                <input style="width:75px;" type="submit" name="login" value="<%= rb.getString("LOGIN_SUBMIT") %>" class="login-button"/>

                • 5. Re: Portal 2.6.6 Login Dialog Prboem in IE 6 and IE 7

                  JBoss Portal 2.7.0 GA,login screen is not displayed correctly in internet explorer 6 too,how can i solve it.

                  • 6. Re: Portal 2.6.6 Login Dialog Prboem in IE 6 and IE 7

                    When this was fixed for 2.6.6, it was propably not updated in the 2.7.x-trunk.
                    The login screen is not displayed correctly in Internet Explorer for 2.7.x.
                    The proposed solution below have been tested on 2.7.1 and renders the login screen properly.
                    Button values and label data could be replaced with strings from a resource bundle instead (as default).

                    Edit the div.login-container div.login-content css property in

                    div.login-container div.login-content {
                     font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif, sans-serif;
                     font-size: 11px;
                     width: 255px;
                     border: 1px solid #CFCFCF;
                     padding: 0px 0 0 0;
                     text-align: right;

                    Set appropriate width in

                    <form method="post" action="<%= response.encodeURL("j_security_check") %>" name="loginform" id="loginForm"
                     <div class="form-field">
                     <label for="j_username">Username</label>
                     <input type="text" style="width:155px;" name="j_username" id="j_username" value=""/>
                     <div class="form-field bottom-field">
                     <label for="j_password">Password</label>
                     <input type="password" style="width:155px;" name="j_password" id="j_password" value=""/>
                     <input style="width:75px;<%=(request.getParameter("loginheight") != null ? "" : "display:none")%>;"
                    type="button" name="cancel" value="Cancel" class="cancel-button" onclick="window.parent.hideContentModal('login-modal');"/>
                     <input style="width:75px;<%=(request.getParameter("loginheight") != null ? "" : "right:10px")%>;"
                    type="submit" name="login" value="Login" class="login-button"/>

                    • 7. Re: Portal 2.6.6 Login Dialog Prboem in IE 6 and IE 7

                      It was updated in 2.7 as well (the files jboss-portal.sar\portal-core.war\css\login.css in Branch_2_6 and Branch_2_7 are exactly the same).

                      So I'm not sure I follow you here