0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 9, 2008 3:25 AM by bryancan

    Struts portlet url for ajax


      I have a struts portlet that works great in another portal (LifeRay). I am converting it to work in JBoss 2.6.6. So far I have it down except for the url to my struts actions.

      I currently use this in an ajax function to grab data from a db and populate a div:

      function refreshMe<portlet:namespace/>() {
      jQuery('body').css({cursor: "wait"});
       var url = "<portlet:renderURL windowState="exclusive"><portlet:param name="_spage" value="/portlet_action/test_test/detail" /></portlet:renderURL>";
       jQuery('body').css({cursor: "auto"})

      What is the difference for Jboss?
