1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 9, 2009 6:44 AM by theute

    to portal or not to portal


      If there is one line to be read : where to find info on possible architecture choices to perform multiple web apps aggregation into one web interface?

      This topic is neither a problem nor a dev question. So, sorry if it's not the right place.

      We are facing a choice to be made to "aggregate" a number of heterogeneous web apps we are managing on different servers. And we don't know how to aggregate. Obviously, this is a job for JBoss Portal. But this would imply accessing some kind of DAO on the different modules to fetch the information and show it in many portlets. Another solution would be to use an iframe to query the modules (web applications) and simply drop the content in it. This seams weird to me as there is no control on the way data are presented.

      So the question is, what alternative do we have to aggregate data from multiple internal web applications to be accessed from the internet ?

      - reverser proxy + iFrame (content) + JBossSSO (acces rights) ?
      - JBossPortal (content) + JBossSSO for portal (access rights)

      - any other proposition are realLY WELCOME.

      Many thanks in advance.