0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 14, 2009 7:58 AM by fuchs

    Jboss Portal 2.7.2 and EJB3


      I like to know, how to run EJB3 on the JBoss-Portal-2.7.2-bundle.
      I tried to do it with the instructions of EJB3-Download.

       1. Download EJB 3.0 RC4 - PFD.
       2. Unzip this file.
       3. Copy ejb3.deployer from the lib/ directory of the distribution to
       4. Copy ejb3-clustered-sfsbcache-service.xml from the lib/ directory
       of the distribution to jboss-4.0.x/server/all/deploy
       5. Copy ejb3-entity-cache-service.xml from the lib/ directory
       of the distribution to jboss-4.0.x/server/all/deploy
       6. Copy ejb3-interceptors-aop.xml from the lib/ directory
       of the distribution to jboss-4.0.x/server/all/deploy
       7. Copy jboss-aop-jdk50.deployer from the lib/ directory
       of the distribution to jboss-4.0.x/server/all/deploy
       8. Copy jboss-remoting.jar from the lib/ directory
       of the distribution to jboss-4.0.x/server/all/lib
       9. Copy jboss-serialization.jar from the lib/ directory
       of the distribution to jboss-4.0.x/server/all/lib
       10. Copy jboss-j2ee.jar from the lib/ directory of the distribution
       to jboss-4.0.x/server/all/lib
       11. Remove ejb3-persistence.jar from jboss-4.0.x/server/all/lib
       12. Remove hibernate3.jar from jboss-4.0.x/server/all/lib
       13. Remove hibernate-annotations.jar from jboss-4.0.x/server/all/lib
       14. Remove hibernate-entitymanager.jar from jboss-4.0.x/server/all/lib
       15. Remove jboss-aop.deployer/ from jboss-4.0.x/server/all/deploy
       16. Start jboss up with the all configuration run.sh -c all
      If you do not want to run with the all configuration, the skip the steps of copying the ejb3-clustered-sfsbcache-service.xml and the ejb3-entity-cache-service.xml

      But with a bad result.

      The most exceptions comes because the service is not installed.
      One is shown here:
      ObjectName: jboss.ejb3:service=EJB3Deployer
       Depends On Me:

      Any Help will be welcome!