5 Replies Latest reply on Sep 22, 2006 5:58 AM by adrian.brock

    Usable deployers


      To be able to minimally implement EJB3 deployer i'll need:

      * an AOP Deployer
      * a datasource deployer

      Have these been started on? If not, probably a good place for me to start...

        • 1. Re: Usable deployers

          Not yet as far as I know. We need to get the MC_VDF_WORK branch merged to head so the full porting effort can get underway. I'm waiting to hear from Adrian on the last spi issue before getting started with the merge.

          You can try it in the MC_VDF_WORK branch if you want.

          • 2. Re: Usable deployers

            Parsing and construction of the MeteData of the *-ds.xml file for Datasource deployment (first pass) is in HEAD. What remains is the conversion of the MetaData into something that can be used by the new deployment framework (if I understand how the new stuff works).

            I was going to finish this in conjunction with the port of the RARDeployer:


            • 3. Re: Usable deployers

              I was going to look at the AOP deployer once the stuff had been merged to head, but I am training next week

              • 4. Re: Usable deployers

                I'll start on the AOP deployer then as I can't do anything until it is at least able to parse aop xml and populate an AspectManager. Don't need any of the MC integration as of yet though.

                • 5. Re: Usable deployers


                  "weston.price@jboss.com" wrote:
                  Parsing and construction of the MeteData of the *-ds.xml file for Datasource deployment (first pass) is in HEAD. What remains is the conversion of the MetaData into something that can be used by the new deployment framework (if I understand how the new stuff works).

                  I was going to finish this in conjunction with the port of the RARDeployer:


                  I've already ported (well more hacked :-) the old versions of the RARDeployer
                  and ConnectionFactory deployer in MC-VDF-WORK
                  so that they are part of the new deployment framework.