4 Replies Latest reply on Jan 31, 2008 3:48 PM by starksm64

    General Discussion on MetaTypes assigned to certain ManagedP

      So instead of creating a new thread for each one that I come across, I am going to post in this thread.

      So far there is the

      DataSource Connection Properties

        • 1. Re: General Discussion on MetaTypes assigned to certain Mana

          In JMS Destinations
          securityConfig=ManagedProperty{securityConfig,securityConfig,metaType=MutableCompositeMetaType{org.w3c.dom.Element items=[name=schemaTypeInfo type=org.w3c.dom.TypeInfo], [name=tagName type=java.lang.String]}},

          A CompositeMetaType holds a map of values.

          /** The contents */
          private SortedMap<String, MetaValue> contents;

          However for security config, I think in terms of a List of users, that have a map of attributes.

          For our Embedded Console UI, the List of Maps works perfect to create a user interaction that makes sense. But if it were just a Map of values, that would not work as you wouldn't be able to determine which User got which values.

          Thank you guys for your help

          • 2. Re: General Discussion on MetaTypes assigned to certain Mana

            JMS Destinations

            The following three

            serverPeer=ManagedProperty{serverPeer,serverPeer,metaType=MutableCompositeMetaType{javax.management.ObjectName items=[name=MBeanServer type=javax.management.MBeanServer], [name=canonicalKeyPropertyListString type=java.lang.String], [name=canonicalName type=java.lang.String], [name=domain type=java.lang.String], [name=domainPattern type=java.lang.Boolean], [name=keyPropertyList type=java.util.Map], [name=keyPropertyListString type=java.lang.String], [name=pattern type=java.lang.Boolean], [name=propertyPattern type=java.lang.Boolean]}}

            expiryQueue=ManagedProperty{expiryQueue,expiryQueue,metaType=MutableCompositeMetaType{javax.management.ObjectName items=[name=MBeanServer type=javax.management.MBeanServer], [name=canonicalKeyPropertyListString type=java.lang.String], [name=canonicalName type=java.lang.String], [name=domain type=java.lang.String], [name=domainPattern type=java.lang.Boolean], [name=keyPropertyList type=java.util.Map], [name=keyPropertyListString type=java.lang.String], [name=pattern type=java.lang.Boolean], [name=propertyPattern type=java.lang.Boolean]}},

            DLQ=ManagedProperty{DLQ,DLQ,metaType=MutableCompositeMetaType{javax.management.ObjectName items=[name=MBeanServer type=javax.management.MBeanServer], [name=canonicalKeyPropertyListString type=java.lang.String], [name=canonicalName type=java.lang.String], [name=domain type=java.lang.String], [name=domainPattern type=java.lang.Boolean], [name=keyPropertyList type=java.util.Map], [name=keyPropertyListString type=java.lang.String], [name=pattern type=java.lang.Boolean], [name=propertyPattern type=java.lang.Boolean]}}, name=ManagedProperty{name,name,metaType=SimpleMetaType:java.lang.String},

            To be consistent and also really help me out. Shouldn't the items in a Map also be of a MetaType instead of direct Java types? Maybe even the keys.

            If properties nest in terms of types, like a List of Maps or a Map which has some Lists which are Lists of Maps, it makes it easier to read and create adapters when you are always are dealing directly with MetaTypes and MetaValues.


            • 3. Re: General Discussion on MetaTypes assigned to certain Mana

              The same as the last post with Destinations for

              messageCounters=ManagedProperty{messageCounters,messageCounters,metaType=MutableCompositeMetaType{org.jboss.jms.server.messagecounter.MessageCounter items=[name=count type=java.lang.Integer], [name=countDelta type=java.lang.Integer], [name=counterAsString type=java.lang.String], [name=destinationDurable type=java.lang.Boolean], [name=destinationName type=java.lang.String], [name=destinationSubscription type=java.lang.String], [name=destinationTopic type=java.lang.Boolean], [name=historyAsString type=java.lang.String], [name=historyLimit type=java.lang.Integer], [name=lastUpdate type=java.lang.Long], [name=messageCount type=java.lang.Integer], [name=messageCountDelta type=java.lang.Integer]}},

              And all the Operations that return values like listAllMessages


              • 4. Re: General Discussion on MetaTypes assigned to certain Mana

                Let's start creating jira issues for agreed on changes.
                http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-5194 - ds connection properties

                The destination security config should be a map of role names with the value of each role being a list of permissions.

                All property types should be MetaType/MetaValues. This looks like a generic problem with the mbean service management view.