9 Replies Latest reply on Jun 4, 2008 6:26 PM by brian.stansberry

    JBAS-5578 ServiceMBeanSupport as MC bean


      Discussion of http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-5578

      Kind of an odd issue as it relates to doing something strange -- deploying a ServiceMBeanSupport subclass via a beans.xml, and then annotating it as @JMX. The create/start/stop/destroyService methods don't get invoked.

      This comes up because I tend to try to deploy things as MC beans, but for backwards compatibility reasons things like HASingletonController are still ServiceMBeanSupport subclasses. So I hit weird issues. I can work around them, so not critical. But want to bring it up in case it suggests some more fundamental problem.

      Anyway, here's what I think is going on:

      I think this has to do with ServiceControllerLifecycleCallback. The @JMX annotation means this class handles starting the service. Leads to this:

      ServiceControllerLifecycleCallback.install --> ServiceController.start(ObjectName) --> ServiceController.doChange(controller, context, ControllerState.INSTALLED, "start")

      does some stuff... and then calls into ServiceMBeanSupport.start() which has this:

       if (serviceName != null && isJBossInternalLifecycleExposed)
       server.invoke(ServiceController.OBJECT_NAME, "start", new Object[] { serviceName }, SERVICE_CONTROLLER_SIG);

      The first branch of the if test is taken and that calls ServiceController.start(ObjectName) again (i.e. a recursive call). That call hits this and returns:

       // If we are already started (can happen in dependencies) just return
       if (ctx.state == ServiceContext.RUNNING || ctx.state == ServiceContext.FAILED)
       log.debug("Ignoring start request for service: " + ctx.objectName + " at state " + ctx.getStateString());

      Effect of all this is the startService() method never gets invoked.

      One possible solution to this is to add a way to configure the bean (a setter) such that isJBossInternalLifecycleExposed returns false. Avoid the recursive call.

        • 1. Re: JBAS-5578 ServiceMBeanSupport as MC bean

          I'm not seeing this.

          Try (which currently passes)

          ./build.sh one-test -Dtest=org.jboss.test.jmx.test.AnnotatedJMXUnitTestCase

          and modify it to show what you are seeing.

          NOTE. For a POJO, the ServiceController invocations don't invoke
          create/start/stop/destroy anymore. That is done via the POJO invocations
          see http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-5355
          Otherwise you would get duplicate invocations.

          • 2. Re: JBAS-5578 ServiceMBeanSupport as MC bean

            Never mind, I think I figured out what the problem is.

            The issue occurs when you register a ServiceMBeanSupport MBean using registerDirect=true on the JMX annotation.

            The callstack then goes something like:
            MC - > ServiceMBeanSupport.create() -> ServiceController.create()
            ServiceController.create() then ignores the request because it thinks it is a call
            on the JMX lifecycle, i.e. a duplicate

            I fixed this problem by introducing POJO lifecycle events in ServiceMBeanSupport
            so we can differentiate the two.

             public void pojoCreate() throws Exception

            This brings up two other issues. The first of which I fixed which is related
            to the confusion when JMX and POJO lifecycles.

            If you invoke a lifecycle operation on the JMX console (or any MBeanServer operation)
            then it should be redirected to the MC for a POJO not the ServiceController.
            The JMX part is just a wrapper.
            Since we now have the seperate pojoXXX methods, this is easy to spot,
            so ServiceMBeanSupport now does the redirection, e.g.
            public class ServiceMBeanSupport
             extends JBossNotificationBroadcasterSupport
             implements ServiceMBean, MBeanRegistration,
            // Implement this interface so we know the true name not the JMX wrapper
            // when we are registered as a POJO
             public void setKernelControllerContext(KernelControllerContext controllerContext) throws Exception
             this.controllerContext = controllerContext;
             public void unsetKernelControllerContext(KernelControllerContext controllerContext) throws Exception
             this.controllerContext = null;
            // Redirect JMX invocations to the real MC context, e.g.
             public void create() throws Exception
             if (controllerContext != null)
             else if (serviceName != null && isJBossInternalLifecycleExposed)
             server.invoke(ServiceController.OBJECT_NAME, "create", new Object[] { serviceName }, SERVICE_CONTROLLER_SIG);

            The second issue is the use of StandardMBean in the @JMX handling.
            The problem is that this masks any implemention of MBeanRegistration
            or NotificationEmitter.

            This is probably not a real issue since you can always use
            registerDirectly=true on the @JMX annotation
            to expose those contracts.
            You're pretty certain its going to be a real mbean if you implements them.

            A more general fix would to use of an extension of StandardMBean
            that delegates those interface implementations to underlying pojo
            if it implements them.

            • 3. Re: JBAS-5578 ServiceMBeanSupport as MC bean


              "adrian@jboss.org" wrote:

              The second issue is the use of StandardMBean in the @JMX handling.
              The problem is that this masks any implemention of MBeanRegistration
              or NotificationEmitter.

              This masking was why my original test worked.
              With the MBeanRegistration callback we don't know the ObjectName
              and so can't redirect lifecycle requests to the ServiceController.

              • 4. Re: JBAS-5578 ServiceMBeanSupport as MC bean


                "adrian@jboss.org" wrote:

                // Implement this interface so we know the true name not the JMX wrapper
                // when we are registered as a POJO

                btw: this breaks the AS5_trunk ;-)

                Just did a clean 'svn update, build clean most':
                 [mkdir] Created dir: C:\projects\jboss5\trunk\jbossmq\output\gen-src
                 [javac] Compiling 200 source files to C:\projects\jboss5\trunk\jbossmq\output\classes
                C:\projects\jboss5\trunk\jbossmq\src\main\org\jboss\mq\il\ServerILJMXService.java:48: cannot access org.jboss.kernel.spi.dependency.KernelControllerContextAware
                file org\jboss\kernel\spi\dependency\KernelControllerContextAware.class not found
                public abstract class ServerILJMXService extends ServiceMBeanSupport implements ServerILJMXServiceMBean

                • 5. Re: JBAS-5578 ServiceMBeanSupport as MC bean

                  I've fixed that one.
                  I'll do a clean build and see what other classpaths need fixing.

                  • 6. Re: JBAS-5578 ServiceMBeanSupport as MC bean


                    "adrian@jboss.org" wrote:
                    I'll do a clean build and see what other classpaths need fixing.

                    I've had to fix:
                    - jbossmq
                    - management
                    - console

                    I can commit that, or you will?

                    • 7. Re: JBAS-5578 ServiceMBeanSupport as MC bean

                      I've already done it. ;-)

                      • 8. Re: JBAS-5578 ServiceMBeanSupport as MC bean

                        Thanks, Adrian, for this. :-) Sorry the original report was unclear.

                        • 9. Re: JBAS-5578 ServiceMBeanSupport as MC bean

                          The changes you made resolved the problem I was seeing -- failing org.jboss.test.cluster.defaultcfg.test.HASingletonElectionPolicyUnitTestCase. I also see the HASingletonController for the HASingletonDeploymentScanner bean now properly starts the singleton (although the scanner doesn't work correctly -- unrelated issue).

                          I saw a couple regressions from this:

                          1) HAPartitionStateTransferTestCase has some failures. This is because the test fixture overrides ServiceMBeanSupport.start() and caches a ref to any exception thrown. Your addition of @Start public void pojoStart() means an exception thrown in startService() no longer propagates through start(). I changed the fixture to override startService() instead of start() (which is more correct anyway) and the test works fine.

                          2) PartitionRestartUnitTestCase now fails. I don't see anything wrong with the way ServiceMBeanSupport is working in this test; its a UnifiedInvoker/Remoting issue. See http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=136822. It's not clear to me why this test started failing now, other than that perhaps ServiceMBeanSupport wasn't working properly before and was masking the remoting issue.