1. Re: Stable deployment API for tools
starksm64 Feb 18, 2009 8:52 PM (in response to jason.greene)Yes, I was thinking of this today as a simple facade that would avoid introducing a dependency on the deployment manager stuff that is in progress. Define the mbean interface they need and we'll validate it and get some tests in the as testsuite for it.
2. Re: Stable deployment API for tools
maxandersen Feb 19, 2009 10:30 AM (in response to jason.greene)Things that we do today on AS 4.x:
We "deploy" by copying files. We rely on both zipped and exploded deployments and even copies -ds.xml files for easy configuration.
Add an url for deployment location so we can avoid "polluting" the default/deploy directory
suspend/restart hotdeploy scanning to avoid unnecessary restarts while we are copying files
(even if we got an option for doing 100% remote deploy instead of file copy I still think file copy should be supported since it is the *simple* and works 99,9% of the time)
Things that would be really nice to do:
Do a remote deploy for remote systems and be able to somehow control where it gets "copied" or at least get info on where a deployment is located.
Get stacktrace/exceptions/logging per deployment so we can do a better error tracing than just tell them to look in the console. (this could be as simple as have a log file or folder per deployment instead of all munged together). Actual exceptions occurring doing runtime would help a lot too. -
3. Re: Stable deployment API for tools
starksm64 Feb 19, 2009 11:13 AM (in response to jason.greene)Ok, I'll propose and mbean interface for this shortly.
4. Re: Stable deployment API for tools
adrian.brock Feb 19, 2009 11:30 AM (in response to jason.greene)"scott.stark@jboss.org" wrote:
Ok, I'll propose and mbean interface for this shortly.
But why not just use jsr88? That should work in all versions of JBoss whether it is
implemented on top of the legacy DeploymentManagerService or the ProfileService.
The legacy implementation already has all the features Max is asking for,
except the remote/isolated logging stuff. You do get deployment exceptions.
Even if you don't like the jsr88 api you could use the DeploymentManagerService directly.
It should then just be a case of re-implementing it at some point on top of the
profile service so that those deployments become manageable in the console
(i.e. the profile service knows about them). -
5. Re: Stable deployment API for tools
emuckenhuber Feb 19, 2009 11:31 AM (in response to jason.greene)"scott.stark@jboss.org" wrote:
Ok, I'll propose and mbean interface for this shortly.
Hmm but JSR88 or DeploymentManager seem to provide those nice-to-have already ? (well maybe not fully implemented but still :)
Beside that we still need to integrate JSR88 properly into the ProfileService.
I mean we can also just expose HDScanner in JMX, as the legacy MainDeployer(MBean) should be still there,
as the testsuite is also using that. -
6. Re: Stable deployment API for tools
starksm64 Feb 19, 2009 11:42 AM (in response to jason.greene)Ok, so an mbean variation of the DeploymentManager is the starting point. We just need some variation of the existing DeployUnitTestCase to validate the tools api usage is stable.
7. Re: Stable deployment API for tools
maxandersen Feb 19, 2009 12:08 PM (in response to jason.greene)with respect to JSR-88 then that was attempted once a loong time ago and the conclusion back then was that it only seemed to implement just enough for the TCK to pass but when trying to actually use it that just failed.
And when we then were told it was not supported and not really something we thought would be living on it was dropped.
If that has changed then cool. -
8. Re: Stable deployment API for tools
jason.greene Feb 19, 2009 2:26 PM (in response to jason.greene)Also FYI, JSR88 will be removed from EE7, although we have quite a ways to go for that :)
9. Re: Stable deployment API for tools
jason.greene Mar 5, 2009 11:55 AM (in response to jason.greene)This work is a blocker for 5.1 CR1
https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-6330 -
10. Re: Stable deployment API for tools
alesj Mar 5, 2009 2:29 PM (in response to jason.greene)Where in jbossas should I put this interface(s)?
11. Re: Stable deployment API for tools
maxandersen Mar 5, 2009 4:05 PM (in response to jason.greene)While we are at it any chance this could be isolated into a jar that could be placed in a 5.0.x AS and have the api work there too ? (just a wish ;)
12. Re: Stable deployment API for tools
alesj Mar 5, 2009 4:21 PM (in response to jason.greene)Sure, I can try to port the changes back to 5_0.
And just implement proper facade on top for existing 5.0 profile service integration.