Use Case 6(Remove DataSource) has been completed, both basic flow and alternate flow.
Basic Description
An administrator uses the system to remove a DataSource from a JBoss server.
It is assumed that Use Case 1 will already have been executed and the user has a list of
DatasSources from which to choose.
Remove the selected DataSource.
Basic flow of events
1. The user indicates to the system that they wish to remove a particular DataSource.
2. The system prompts the user to confirm their desire to remove the DataSource.
3. The user confirms the removal.
4. The system attempts to remove the selected DataSource.
5. The use case ends.
Alternate flows
A6.1: User cancels removal
During step 3) of the Basic Flow:
1. The user indicates to the system that they want to cancel the removal of the
2. The system does not attempt to remove the DataSource.
3. The use case ends.