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1. Re: Update Data and Minor DataSource Module Suggestions
dimitris Feb 25, 2005 3:40 AM (in response to strand)AFAIK, there is update, just tried that yesterday...
2. Re: Update Data and Minor DataSource Module Suggestions
ccrouch Feb 25, 2005 4:00 PM (in response to strand)"strand" wrote:
Can you describe in brief goals for 1.0 and 1.1 alpha versions - data source and jms administration?
Please take at look at the roadmap in JIRA
Key pieces of functionality are marked as blocker or critical 'Feature Requests' and the roadmap includes timelines for phase 1.0 (Feb 15), and 1.1(Mar 31).
For Phase 1.0 we were remiss in including the JIRA tasks at the appropriate level of granularity: so here is a list of functionality:
View a list of DataSources
View the connection pool information for a DataSource
View a DataSource
Create a DataSource
Update a DataSource
Remove a DataSource"strand" wrote:
Currently I see that there is only view functionality available, no update. When it is planned to be available - maybe this depends on the DeploymentService?
Update is available, but only for datasources created with the Admin Console. Please see the following document in cvs for details
jboss-admin-console/docs/datasource/implementation_implications.doc"strand" wrote:
What do you think about those two minor suggestions about datasources:
1) If user wants to create new datasource similar to existing one then copying/cloning DS data will be useful. Maybe sample presets for some DBs will be helpful too.
Excellent suggestion. Please file a feature request in JIRA. As you can see Phase 1.1 is concentrating on JMS support and a few bug fixes, so we are unlikely to get to this in this current phase. If you would like to contribute and work on adding this feature I would be very happy to discuss it with you."strand" wrote:
2) Connection URL - currently input text length is small (for DefaultDS on my installation) so maybe title attribute, onmouseover or some other event is needed to display the full text. This is in case there will be separate read-only and write-enabled modes.
Please file a bug in JIRA