This is the second in several use cases in support of CRUD for topics and queues. Comments are welcome.
USE CASE 2: View the Settings of a Destination
Basic Description
An administrator uses the system to view the settings of an existing destination within a JBoss server.
It is assumed that Use Case 1 will already have been executed and the user has a list of destinations from which to choose.
Display information relating to a destination of type queue or topic.
Basic flow of events
1. The user indicates to the system that they wish to view information on a particular destination from the list.
2. The system displays information on the selected destination.
3. The use case ends.
Extension Points
E2.1: Show a list of messages
After step 2) in the Basic Flow:
1. The user indicates to the system that they wish to show a list of message of the selected destination.
2. The system displays the message count and a list of messages that the selected destination currently holds.
3. The use case ends.
E2.1: Remove messages
After step 2) in the Basic Flow:
1. The user indicates to the system that they wish to remove all messages from the selected destination.
2. The system removes the messages from the destination and resets the message count. Then the system indicates to the user that the removal of messages succeeded.
3. The use case ends.
Alternate Flows
A2.1: Removal of messages fails, messages not removed
During step 2) of Extension Point Flow E2.1:
1. The system failed to remove the messages from the specified destination.
2. The system indicates to the user that the removal of messages failed and displays the error exception information to the user.
3. The use case ends without removing the messages.
Special Requirements
1. Different attributes will be displayed depending upon the type of the destination being viewed, i.e. queue or topic. The precise breakdown of attributes by type is listed in the reference documents - queue_elements.xls and topic_elements.xls)