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1. Re: Moving src to Subversion?
ruel.loehr Sep 19, 2005 2:20 PM (in response to ccrouch)Would the build files we use still get the same care and attention they currently get if the src was in its own SVN repo? For instance the changes to support the are great and we'd like to continue benefitting from changes like this in the future.
In general, when a project moves to its own as you are describing, (e.g. JBoss Cache) they take care of their build files. However, this certainly doesn't leave you out in the cold. Any upgrades to build systems will be available for all projects. It may take a little more work to integrate changes, but I foresee no problems.
- How could we include a binary version of the admin-console in the src checkout of JBossAS, via
Not a problem at all. Instructions for repository maintenance can be found here and I am always available to help.
- The admin-console is not currently part of the regular JBossAS build, though it is included in the Eclipse project set. Eventually I would have liked it to be part of the build, but moving to SVN would prevent that. What's the best way to mimic the compile time checking that we'd get if we were part of the main build? I'm thinking testsuite tests for the areas of JBossAS functionality which the admin-console depends on?
This gets a little tricky. What you have described so far is a standalone project. If this is true grabbing you will be grabbing all of your dependencies as binaries from the repository. We must ensure that everything you need is indeed available as a binary. A quick glance at the buildfile shows that you include the classpath for j2ee, j2se and varia. We'll have to figure out how to handle this. As far as testing, yes, some type of testsuite tests for the functionality you depend on will be in order.- Once the admin-console is sufficiently functional, stable and tested it will be bundled into the AS distribution. Would being in our own SVN repo impact this, I'm thinking no
You would simply include the admin-console jar in the appopriate spot of JBossAS