0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 17, 2008 11:01 PM by heakfall

    make a combobox that change togglepanel


      Hi guys, i would like to know how to make to switch a togglepanel where the togglecontrol are inside a h:selectOneMenu. Until now, cant make it works. I wrote this piece os code for u.

      <h:selectOneRadio value="2" >
       <f:selectItem itemLabel="Persona juridica" itemValue="1" />
       <f:selectItem itemLabel="Persona natural" itemValue="2" />
       <f:selectItem itemLabel="No domiciliado" itemValue="3" />
      <rich:togglePanel style="height:53px; width 600px" id="tpersona" switchType="client" initialState="juridica" stateOrder="juridica, natural, nodomiciliada">
       <f:facet name="juridica">
       <f:subview id="p1">
       <td>Persona de contacto:</td>
       <td colspan="3"><h:inputText styleClass="textbox" size="20" maxlength="80"/></td>
       <f:facet name="natural">
       <f:subview id="p2">
       <td width="130" >RUC:</td>
       <td><h:inputText styleClass="textbox" size="20" maxlength="8"/></td>
       <td width="130" >Nombre:</td>
       <td><h:inputText styleClass="textbox" size="20" maxlength="30"/></td>
       <f:facet name="nodomiciliada">
       <f:subview id="p3">
       <td width="130">Razon Social:</td>
       <td colspan="3"><h:inputText styleClass="textbox" size="20" maxlength="80"/></td>

      I cant insert the tag for togglecontrol inside the tag selectItem. I can make the togglepanel switch using this.

      <rich:toggleControl id="opc1" for="tpersona" switchToState="juridica"><img src="imagenes/pro1n.png" border="0" /> </rich:toggleControl>
      <rich:toggleControl id="opc2" for="tpersona" switchToState="natural"><img src="imagenes/pro2n.png" border="0" /> </rich:toggleControl>
      <rich:toggleControl id="opc3" for="tpersona" switchToState="nodomiciliada"><img src="imagenes/pro3n.png" border="0" /> </rich:toggleControl>

      I dont know how to combine the selectItem with the tooglecontrol. I have one month using jsf+richfaces. Ill be thanksfull 4 your help.