3 Replies Latest reply on Apr 21, 2006 9:56 AM by timfox

    Problem With Selector (Delivery Stops)


      I'm using jboss-4.0.4.CR2 with jboss-messaging-1.0.0.GA. JBoss is running on Solaris, JMS publisher and subscriber are running on Win XP. Without a selector (or with JBossMQ) my test setup works without problems.

      The trouble starts when I use a topic subscriber with a selector. For the test scenario the published messages are numbered. The selector consists of an IN expression containing only the odd numbers. Thus, it should select every other message. This works fine at first:

      10:57:49.102 PriceMessageListener.onMessage: filterProp=1
      10:57:49.149 PriceMessageListener.onMessage: filterProp=3
      10:57:49.493 PriceMessageListener.onMessage: filterProp=21
      10:57:49.509 PriceMessageListener.onMessage: filterProp=23

      But then a warning is logged on the server side and no further messages are received by the subscriber:

      10:57:49,599 WARN [ServerConsumerEndpoint] Message has exceed maximum delivery attempts and will be removed JBossMessage[1065217]:NON-PERSISTENT

      I suspect this might be related to bug http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBMESSAGING-325.