1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 22, 2008 7:51 AM by xmaniac

    Resources framework not initialised



      We have a working Richfaces web app we are trying to deploy to WAS Portal. We have deployed other portlets that use Richfaces without problems but when using <a4j:mediaOutput /> we are stuck with:

      javax.faces.FacesException: Resources framework is not initialised, check web.xml for Filter configuration at org.ajax4jsf.resource.ResourceBuilderImpl.getWebXml(ResourceBuilderImpl.java:117)

      We have tried modifying web.xml with:


      to no avail. Then we tried a listener with:

      WebXml webxml = new WebXml();
      webxml.init(sc, RICHFACES_FILTER);
      InternetResourceBuilder resourceConfigurer = ResourceBuilderImpl.getInstance();

      and the code fails to find the resources in any URL we could think of.

      Any help with this?
