1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 17, 2007 2:18 PM by timfox

    Exception deploying EJB3 MDB


      I have a MDB with ejb3 annotations that gives the following error during JBoss startup.

      Reason: java.lang.RuntimeException: An exception occurred initialising interceptors for class com.acme.ActionEventMessageEJB.onMessage

      This is the case when the MDB extends from an abstract base class that implements MessageListener(I have tried both with an abstract onMessage method and without onMessage method in base class). If I don't make the base class implement MessageListener interface but have the concrete MDB implement MessageListener, then it deploys fine. Is that expected behavior?

      I am using Jboss Messaging 1.3.0.GA with JBoss AS 4.2.0.GA.