5 Replies Latest reply on Sep 28, 2007 4:37 AM by timfox

    jms message sent to another cluster picked before transactio


      We have two separate JBoss clusters on the same machine. A stateless session bean method (transaction is enabled) on one cluster adds a domain object to the database and sends a message to the other cluster that indicates an event has occurred and the MDB (on the other cluster) goes to the database and reads the domain object just persisted. Looks like the MDB on the other machine is invoked before the session bean on the first machine commits the transaction, thereby reading the previously inserted data. We are using ClusteredXAConnectionFactory to send the message to the topic.

      Is this expected behaviour or there is something wrong in the setup. I would expect the MDB on the other cluster not to execute onMessage() until the transaction on the sender side has committed.

      We are using JBoss 4.2.1.GA and JBoss messaging 1.3.0.GA.