1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 28, 2008 5:18 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    modalPanel components breaks form submission on <ENTER>


      Hi! We've got a problem here, could you please help us?

      There is a really simple form:

       <h:inputText id="field1" />
       <h:inputText id="field2" />
       <a4j:commandButton onclick="alert('submit btn');" type="submit"/>

      When the focus is in any input element and user presses "ENTER" button the alert shows up. So, it works fine.

      The problem appeares when <rich:modalPanel> tag is added inside of the form:
       <h:inputText id="field1" />
       <h:inputText id="field2" /> <rich:modalPanel/> <a4j:commandButton onclick="alert('submit btn');" type="submit"/>

      In this case, when focus belongs to one of the inputs and user presses "ENTER" button, submit action isn't fired and the whole page in browser rerenders.

      We use 3.2.1.GA version of richfaces.

      Any ideas? Thanks in advance.