1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 18, 2007 3:43 PM by clebert.suconic

    Message paging not working



      we have a test case where messages are not paging. We're using:

      - A cluster of two nodes
      - JBossAS 4.2.1
      - JBossMessaging 1.4.0.SP2
      - MySQL 5.0.45

      we have a mbean that sends a large number of messages to a clustered queue with FullSize=4000. And we have deployed a MDB that receives messages from this queue, with a sleep of 100ms (so that it doesn't consumes messages very fast)

      If we send 100000 non-persistent messages, we see both nodes processing messages, but there's no mysql activity, and JBM_MSG* tables are empty, so messages are not paging. In the JMX console we monitor the queue and we see MessageCount=DeliveringCount=90K messages.

      Seeing the source of ChannelSupport, it seems messageRefs.size() == 0. Because this is the number it compares to FullSize, it will not page any message to DB.

      I can attach the test case if you need

      Thanks in advance,