4 Replies Latest reply on Nov 25, 2008 2:25 PM by mtpettyp

    Scheduled Messages not being cleared properly on a removeAll


      JBoss 4.2.3 and JBM 1.4.0.SP3

      If I have a number of messages scheduled in the future and then call removeAllMessages() from the JMX Console on that queue, the messages are correctly removed. Both MessageCount and ScheduledMessageCount are set to zero. The messages are not sent at their scheduled time (as expected)

      However, upon restarting the Application Server the scheduled messages that were deleted are requeued and processed. Looking through the code it appears that when removeAllMessages() is called only the in-memory scheduled messages are cleared. Upon startup those same messages are pulled out of the database and queued.

      Is this the expected behaviour? I'm assuming that on a removeAllMessages the scheduled messages should be removed from the database.