13 Replies Latest reply on Feb 5, 2009 1:07 PM by timfox

    validatorPingPeriod/Timeout etc. not properly passed from me

      Again this is with JBoss 4.3.0 CP03

      I tried additionally using remoting 2.2.2.SP11 which fixes a related bug in the remoting layer.

      The basic problem appears to be with JMSRemotingConnection.start()

      It creates an underlying Client passing the URI and a Map of config parameters. The config parameters map is populated explicitly from the URI (but only two parameters : enableLease and clientMaxPoolSize)

      The remoting Client when creating a ConnectionValidator looks in the config Map (not the URI) for the validatorPingPeriod/Timeout etc. and since they're not there ends up using the defaults.

      It appears the intention of the design is that the caller should populate the Map with all relevant parameters rather than having the remoting layer automatically pull them from the URI, but it is hard to be 100% sure.

      In any case, right now this prevents you from override the default ping period and timeout via your remoting-bisocket-service.xml (even though these do make it all the way to the client and indeed the URI passed down to the remoting layer).

      I checked the tip of 1.4.0, 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 and as far as I can tell none of them pass this info down.