2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 15, 2008 1:59 PM by danielk

    rich:fileUpload in portlets


      I tried my little demo implementation with the following JBoss software:
      - JBoss Portal 2.6.5 GA
      - RichFaces 3.2.2 GA
      - latest portletbridge from maven repository

      I can do a lot of nice things, but as i want to implement a file upload, i came to some strange error messages (ClassCastException). So my whole portlet cannot be rendered, if i am using <rich:fileUpload /> tag in my portlet.

      What i have done, is using example code from RichFaces Livedemo in my portlet (Bean with listener(UploadEvent event) from RichFaces sources). But only one exception will be thrown.

      Is there anyone who has a hint or a working example, how it can be done?
      Or is it not possible to use <rich:fileUpload /> in JBoss Portal Portlets?

      Thanks in advance,
