4 Replies Latest reply on Jan 23, 2009 2:35 PM by kabirkhan

    AOP 2GA JBoss 5GA set pointcut not working


      I am trying to set a pointcut to a field when it gets written, no matter what I do, the set pointcut never seems to work. I am using AOP 2.0GA and JBoss 5.0GA. Here is what I have:


      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <aop xmlns="urn:jboss:aop-beans:1.0">
       <aspect class="com.acme.aop.FieldAspect"/>
       <interceptor class="com.acme.aop.FieldSetterInterceptor"/>
       <bind pointcut="execution(void $instanceof{com.acme.IMarkMe}->*(..))">
       <around aspect="com.acme.aop.FieldAspect" name="log"/>
       <bind pointcut="execution($instanceof{com.acme.IMarkMe}->new())">
       <around aspect="com.acme.aop.FieldAspect" name="log"/>
       <bind pointcut="set(private java.lang.String com.acme.aop.POJO->var2)">
       <around aspect="com.acme.aop.FieldAspect" name="log"/>
       <bind pointcut="set(private java.lang.String com.acme.aop.POJO->var2)">
       <interceptor-ref name="com.acme.aop.FieldSetterInterceptor"/>

      package com.acme.aop;
      import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
      import org.jboss.aop.advice.Interceptor;
      import org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.FieldWriteInvocation;
      import org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.Invocation;
      public class FieldSetterInterceptor implements Interceptor {
       private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(FieldSetterInterceptor.class);
       public FieldSetterInterceptor() {
       // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
       public String getName() {
       // TODO Auto-generated method stub
       return "FieldSetterInterceptor";
       public Object invoke(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable
       if (!(invocation instanceof FieldWriteInvocation)) return invocation.invokeNext();
       FieldWriteInvocation mi = (FieldWriteInvocation)invocation;
       LOG.info("<<< Entering SetInterceptor for: " + mi.getField().getName());
       return invocation.invokeNext();
       LOG.info(">>> Leaving SetInterceptor");

      package com.acme.aop;
      import java.lang.reflect.Field;
      import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
      import org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.ConstructorInvocation;
      import org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.FieldReadInvocation;
      import org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.FieldWriteInvocation;
      import org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.Invocation;
      import org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.MethodInvocation;
      public class FieldAspect {
       private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(FieldAspect.class);
       public FieldAspect(){
       LOG.debug("FieldAspect being instantiated");
       public Object log(ConstructorInvocation invocation) throws Throwable
       LOG.info("C: Creating using constructor " + invocation.getConstructor());
       LOG.info("C: " + invocation.getArguments());
       return invocation.invokeNext();
       LOG.info("C: Done");
       public Object log(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable
       LOG.info("M: Calling method " + invocation.getMethod().getName());
       LOG.info("M: " + invocation.getArguments());
       return invocation.invokeNext();
       LOG.info("M: Done");
       public Object log(FieldWriteInvocation invocation) throws Throwable
       LOG.info("F: setting field " + invocation.getField().getName());
       LOG.info("F: New value will be " + invocation.getValue());
       return invocation.invokeNext();
       LOG.info("F: Done");


      package com.acme.aop;
      public class POJO implements com.acme.IMarkMe
       private String var1 = "hello";
       private String var2;
       public static int var3;
       public String getVar1() { return var1; }
       public String getVar2() { return var2; }
       public void setVar2(String str) { var2 = str; }

      I am deploying aop.xml to $JBOSS_HOME/server/all/deploy. I can see the poincuts and the aspect and interceptor classes registered in the jmx console, however when I run the code all the pointcuts work except for both the set pointcuts defined in aop.xml.
      Am I doing something wrong?

      Thanks for all you help.
