1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 6, 2009 1:23 AM by ienvyou

    Standalone after-throwing sample works fine, but not work on


      Thank you for JBoss AOP effort first.

      I'm using JBoss AOP and trying to use after-throwing for exception handling.
      As like subject, the after-throwing sample in jboss-aop-2.0.1.GA works fine but same sample on AS5.0.1GA doesn't work.

      These are my environment :
      JDK : JDK1.6.0
      Platform : Microsoft Windows XP
      JBoss AS : JBoss AS 5.0.1 GA

      I also included javaagent switch and loadtime config to true in conf/bootstrap/aop.xml


      Exception :
      14:14:50,188 INFO [STDOUT] Catching Exception org.jboss.aop.advice.NoMatchingAdviceException: No matching around advice called 'afterThrowing' could be found in Aspect for joinpoint Method[method=public void jboss.POJO.throwPOJOExceptionMethod(java.lang.String) throws POJOException]

      Is there any missing point here?
      Thanks in advance!

        • 1. Re: Standalone after-throwing sample works fine, but not wor

          Oh~ I missed some exeption message :

          14:14:50,188 INFO [STDOUT] Catching Exception org.jboss.aop.advice.NoMatchingAdviceException: No matching around advice called 'afterThrowing' could be found in Aspect for joinpoint Method[method=public void jboss.POJO.throwPOJOExceptionMethod(java.lang.String) throws POJOException]
           On method 'public void jboss.Aspect.afterThrowing(java.lang.Throwable)'
           parameter 0' is not annotated correctly. Expecting one of: