1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 3, 2009 2:48 PM by flavia.rainone

    Whether Compile time AOP increases size of project?


      I am new to AOP and I am quite impressed with it. I tried compile time JBoss AOP and found that it creates lot of extra class files.

      I thought aopc will modify the existing class file.
      I am trying to understand whether compile time AOP will increase the size of the project. Just thinking if I do logging non-aop way will the project size be little less?

      Please help me understand this.
      Thanks in advance.

        • 1. Re: Whether Compile time AOP increases size of project?


          Yes, aopc will modify the original class file, adding code to this file. For this code to work, auxiliary classes are need, which are the extra class files you are seeing.

          Any AOP framework increases the size of the basis program, since all of them add code to the program. I don't think, however, that this generates a considerable impact, unless you have to follow very strict memory space requirements.