1. Re: WSRP portlet development As Generic way
ksrikanth11 Oct 26, 2009 10:26 AM (in response to ksrikanth11)Kindly Let me know some comments on this, whether it is possible or not.
2. Re: WSRP portlet development As Generic way
ksrikanth11 Oct 26, 2009 10:28 AM (in response to ksrikanth11)"ksrikanth11" wrote:
Kindly Let me know some comments on this, whether it is possible or not.
I am thinking that it is better controlled by the end user if we develop the WSRP in the above mentioned way. -
3. Re: WSRP portlet development As Generic way
claprun Apr 16, 2010 1:26 PM (in response to ksrikanth11)Hi Srikanth,
I am afraid I have no idea what you are trying to accomplish. Could you please detail your use case?
Note also that no further development is being made on JBoss Portal on the community side. Why are you using JBoss Portal 2.6 instead of GateIn?
4. Re: WSRP portlet development As Generic way
ksrikanth11 May 9, 2010 9:20 AM (in response to claprun)Hi Chris,
Thanks alot for your reply.
This project we started a year before, now client will not accept for the migration.
my actual requirement,
The admin user should be able to choose the positions of the portlets.
Other than Wsrp portlet we are able to handle the portlet possitions in the screen using xml and some times using the custmized admin UI.
but the wsrp is making problem in maintaining position and the style(renderer).
We have two types of handlers, according to the requirement we need to choose the handler and place them on the portal.
We don't reuire the renderer and markup, is it possible to handle the content alone from WSRP.