4 Replies Latest reply on Nov 14, 2005 8:43 AM by udo.krass

    Conversation - how to start automatically with a given page


      I have a Staful Session Bean with a method that starts a conversation

      public String find() {
       report = null;
       String searchQuery = "from Report";
       reports = reportsDatabase.createQuery(searchQuery).getResultList();
       return "main";

      I can now start a conversion from a view by calling this method
      from an action attribute, for example:
      <h:commandButton action="#{reportslist.find}" value="#{bundle.newreport}" />

      But I need to start the conversion scope always automatically when
      this page loads (not after pressing a button).

      Can anybody help me, please?
      Thanks a lot.

        • 1. Additionally info: Conversation - how to start automatically

          For addition a source code from Stateful session bean and view page:

          Stateful bean:

          public class ReportsBO implements Reports, Serializable {
           private EntityManager reportsDatabase;
           private Report report;
           private List<Report> reports;
           private int reportIndex;
           public String find() {
           report = null;
           String searchQuery = "from Report";
           reports = reportsDatabase.createQuery(searchQuery).getResultList();
           return "main";
           public String editReport() {
           report = reports.get(reportIndex);
           return "edit_report";
           public String newReport() {
           report = new Report();
           return "edit_report";
           public String clearReports() {
           for (Report rep: reports) {
           return "main";
           public String confirmed() {
           if (report.getId()==0) reportsDatabase.persist(report);
           return "show_list";

          <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1250" %>
          <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h" %>
          <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f" %>
           <title>Report aplikace</title>
           <body bgcolor="white">
           <f:loadBundle basename="resources.Resources" var="bundle"/>
           <h:form id="helloForm">
           <h:dataTable id="table"
           <f:facet name="header">
           <h:outputText value="#{bundle.name}"/>
           <h:outputText value="#{rep.name}"/>
           <h:outputText value="#{rep.id}"/>
           <h:commandButton action="#{reportslist.editReport}" value="Edit" />
           <h:commandButton action="#{reportslist.newReport}" value="#{bundle.newreport}" />
           <h:commandButton action="#{reportslist.clearReports}" value="#{bundle.clear}" />

          And I simply need to start a new conversation scope always when this view loads (= start "find" method from the stateful bean always when this view loads).

          • 2. Re: Conversation - how to start automatically with a given p

            My *guess* is you want to try looking into @Create

            • 3. Re: Conversation - how to start automatically with a given p

              Hmmmmmm, I have never tried to do this. Perhaps you could use @Intercept(ALWAYS), and add a method marked @Create @Begin to the bean. This should work, I guess...

              • 4. Re: Conversation - how to start automatically with a given p

                Hi issad,

                will this work for you?
                If yes, can you post your code?

